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RASPResearch and Scholarship in Pharmacy (RASP) is a longitudinal, selective pathway within the Doctor of Pharmacy elective curriculum that is built around a mentored, in-depth, scholarly project where each student will (1) frame an answerable question with a faculty mentor, (2) generate and interpret relevant data, and (3) communicate their findings in an oral and written form.

This experience could include hypothesis-driven research (e.g., preclinical, translational, clinical, epidemiologic, health services, educational) or non-hypothesis driven research (e.g., method development and validation, quality improvement).

Students entering this selective pathway will enroll in Research and Scholarship in Pharmacy 1 (PHCY 624, 1.5 credits) in the PY2 spring semester, Research and Scholarship in Pharmacy 2 (PHCY 725, 1.5 credits) in the PY3 fall semester, and Research and Scholarship in Pharmacy 3 (PHCY 726, 3.0 credits) in the PY3 spring semester.

Over the course of this longitudinal experience, students will gain skills and achieve learning outcomes through self-directed learning, attending and actively participating in a weekly common hour, development and execution of their project, completion of 4 RASP deliverables, and guidance and instruction by their faculty mentor. Although project progression will vary by student and project, a general framework and timeline of key events is outlined below.

  • Deliverable #1: written project proposal (completed during RASP 1)
  • Deliverable #2: oral project proposal presentation and revised written proposal (completed during RASP 2)
  • Deliverable #3: oral poster presentation (completed during RASP 3)
  • Deliverable #4: written final manuscript/report (completed during RASP 3)

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Students that successfully complete the RASP pathway and its requirements will be eligible to graduate with Honors (provided they meet the University GPA requirement of ≥3.3 and submit an approved Honors Carolina thesis document).

For more information, see

The RASP Oversight Committee is comprised of faculty representatives from each of the School’s five Divisions on the Chapel Hill campus, faculty representatives from the Asheville campus, and the RASP program coordinator. Additional details on the School’s Divisions can be found here:

Questions?  Contact Kathryn Morbitzer and Jacqueline Dunn