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Prepare yourself to advance into leadership positions and achieve your career goals

There is a critical need for highly skilled health-system leaders to navigate today’s complex challenges in health care and empower their teams to succeed together. It is our mission to fill this need and to prepare capable health-system leaders by expanding their pharmacy administration knowledge and developing highly effective leadership skills. The program strives to enlighten, differentiate and position graduates to guide the solutions needed to meet the mounting demands for better health care practice and safe medication use.

The unique online Master of Science concentrating in Health-System Pharmacy Administration (MS) is ideal for busy working pharmacy professionals who want to secure their MS while working full-time in their current role. The program is modeled after our MS degree resident program but does not require a concurrent two-year pharmacy residency.

The flexible, self-paced degree combines an intensive, innovative curriculum, an immersive learning experience and the opportunity to build a professional support network with current health care leaders and join our alumni family. Students will graduate with in-depth knowledge of the principles and practice of pharmacy to advance human health and health systems. Along with a deep understanding of critical business, analytical and communications skills applicable to all levels of supervisory administration positions.

Our MS program is taught, trained and mentored by world class UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy faculty and collaborative partners with decades of expertise in leading and managing complex health-systems, as well as training and mentoring future leaders. Graduates from our nationally recognized M.S. program encounter an in-demand employment landscape within health care/hospital systems and clinics.

For more information about this MS concentrating in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership, watch this video.

Download our MS Working Professional Program Guide to learn more about the program details. For any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.


“The Answers to Frequently Asked Questions”

INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR | February 19, 2025 | 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. ET

Join program director Stephen F. Eckel, PharmD, MHA, for a discussion on the value of building leadership skills to move your career forward. This is a valuable webinar as it brings together the expert MS/HSPAL team to address the most important questions that potential applicants ask about our two online programs. Learn about the online two-year Master of Science concentrating in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and the one-year HSPAL Training Program. This is also an opportunity to get your questions answered by our expert team!



The core curriculum consists of course work in advanced topics with human resource management, health-systems financial management, medication safety, and quality improvement, health-system pharmacy operations and much more.

Health-System Pharmacy Administration Master’s Degree

Courses are taught within the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education (PACE) through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous education.  Seminar is held on Friday afternoon EST.  Other class sessions are held on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings during weeks when they meet.


Fall Year 1
Credit Hours
PACE 815 Evaluation Research and Project Design (McLaughlin) Asynchronous 3
PACE 833 Overview to Health Systems (Savage) Wed. 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. ET 3
PHRS 899 Seminar (Vest) Fri. 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. ET 1
PHRS 991 Research in PACE Independent Research 2
Semester Total 9

Spring Year 1
Credit Hours
PACE 820 Health-System Pharmacy Leadership (Granko / Eckel) Tues. 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. ET 3
PACE 825 Foundational Practices of a Successful Health-System Department of Pharmacy (Vest / Roberts / Rogers) Weds. 6:00 – 8:50 p.m. ET 4
PHRS 899 Seminar (Vest) Fri. 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. ET 1
PHRS 991 Research in PACE Independent Research 1
Semester Total 9

Fall Year 2
Credit Hours
PACE 860 Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Operations (Eckel) Tues. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. ET 3
PHRS 899 Seminar (Vest) Fri. 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. ET 1
PHRS 992 Thesis Substitute Independent Research 5
Semester Total 9

Spring Year 2
Credit Hours
PACE 832 Financial Management of Health-System Pharmacy (Bush / Rhea) Weds. 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. ET 3
PHRS 899 Seminar (Vest) Fri. 1:00 – 1:50 p.m. ET 1
PHRS 992 Thesis Substitute Independent Research 4
Semester Total Semester Total 8
Grand Total 35

Course Descriptions

PACE 815 Evaluation Research and Project Design: This course provides formal instruction on critical components of evaluation research, study design, and data analyses that a Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in health system pharmacy administration graduate will need in the workplace.

PACE 820 Health-System Pharmacy Leadership: This course focuses on principles of leadership and strategies used by leaders, with an emphasis in health-system pharmacy. Active learning strategies are used to examine and model leadership principles.

PACE 825 Foundational Practices of a Successful Health-System Department of Pharmacy: This course focuses on the Foundational Practices of a Successful Health-System Department of Pharmacy. Topics covered include medication safety, pharmacy informatics, and human resources management.

PACE 832 Financial Management of Health-system Pharmacy: This course provides an overview of the current financial environment in the health care industry and is intended to familiarize students with general accounting principles and financial management skills required to lead and manage pharmacy services in a health care organization.

PACE 833 Overview to Health Systems: This course is designed to expose participants to real world issues facing health system pharmacy leaders and to teach participants to work through concepts, processes, and challenges that are and will be faced.

PACE 860 Advanced Hospital Pharmacy Operations: This course is intended to build on the basic principles of pharmacy operations learned through coursework and experience as professional students as well as work experience.

PHRS 899 Seminar: This course includes the entire MS group including first and second years and covers a range of topics such as Pharmacy Disaster Planning, Crucial Conversations, Pharmacy Financial Billing, and Human Resources. Class format consists of topical readings or assignments prior to a seminar presentation and discussion.

PHRS 991 Research in PACE: This is a variable credit course required for all Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate students by their second semester. Teaching/learning methods consist of a pharmaceutical sciences-based mentored research training experience involving independent work and research reports that must be filed at the end of the semester.

PHRS 992 Thesis Substitute: Prerequisite PHRS 991 or equivalent. Students register for thesis credits after successfully passing their comprehensive written examination. A minimum of 3 credit hours of thesis research and writing is required for Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate students.

  • In-depth knowledge, understanding, and application of core principles, content, and skills unique to health systems pharmacy administration: to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of health care and the principles and practice of pharmacy to advance human health and health systems.
  • Accessing and Analyzing Information: to identify, locate, critically evaluate, and process information to arrive at an informed opinion; identify the important information and be able to say “here is what we need to do about it”.
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: to take an issue or a problem, learn about it, understand it, examine other ways of thinking about it, bring it all together and frame it, come up with creative solutions and new ideas (important characteristics of critical thinker: asks really good questions, is curious, approaches problems as learners not knowers).
  • Communication: to develop and express ideas and thoughts clearly and concisely in a way that fosters understanding, inspires, and creates focus; communicate effectively in written and oral form.
  • Collaboration and Influence: to work effectively with others and understand and respect differences; create networks and groups who work together toward a common goal.
  • Adaptability: to change (or be changed) to fit new surroundings and ideas; being willing and able to adapt your behavior (adaptability is a two part process that combines flexibility and versatility. Flexibility is your willingness to adapt-this is your attitude; versatility is your ability to adapt-this is your aptitude).
  • Initiative: to be self-directed, take initiative to seek out new opportunities, ideas, and strategies; and find creative solutions.
  • Curiosity and Inquisitiveness: to demonstrate a drive to learn and understand more in an effort to improve or make something better; the habit of curiosity is a constant wonder of how something might be improved or even reinvented and then coming up with creative solutions; curiosity enables life-long learning.
  • Professionalism: to uphold the highest standards of professional and ethical behavior and act appropriately, thoughtfully, and with integrity at all times.
  • Innovation: Ability to create and implement new technologies, services, programs, etc, to meet the pharmacy needs of today and tomorrows health systems.
  • Our approach to teaching and learning is student-centered – we will develop our graduate students to reach their full potential
  • To learn, one must do – immersive learning in the patient care and real-world setting is a primary laboratory for learning
  • The process of scientific inquiry, engagement, and discovery is critical to the development of our graduate students as problem solvers and critical thinkers – scholarship is central to our mission
  • We will expose our graduate students to a breadth of knowledge and experiences necessary to shape their development as pharmacist leaders in an evolving health system landscape
  • We will ensure a rigorous and intensive curriculum that deepens the graduate student’s understanding of the many facets of health-system pharmacy administration and challenges them to think critically and solve complex problems
  • We are flexible and responsive – continually positioning our graduate students to meet the emerging needs of society
  • We will continually innovate and evaluate, learning from our experiences and striving for continuous quality improvement and sustained innovation
  • We will develop and position our faculty to reach their full potential as educators and mentors
  • We will develop and nurture our students as critical thinkers, problems solvers, team players and professionals – entrusting them to a career of life-long learning and leadership
  • We will work collaboratively across all of the different partners, exposing our graduate students to the different systems, preceptors, and challenges that exist in them
  • We strive to enlighten, differentiate, and position our graduate students to bring about leadership for the betterment of health care delivery and a safe medication use system
  • Advances and innovations in technology will be interwoven, where appropriate, throughout our curriculum to enhance the learning experience

Class Lectures

Courses are taught within the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy’s Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education (PACE) through digital (online) education. Class lectures are led by UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy faculty and other leaders in health-system pharmacy.

Supervised Project in Health-System Pharmacy

Students are encouraged to develop extensive skills and expertise in specific segments of pharmacy administration that are of personal interest. The chosen areas of interest will be emphasized throughout both the didactic and experiential portions of the program over the two years of study with the guidance of their mentor and academic and experiential program advisers. Students will take six credit hours of Supervised Project in Health-System Pharmacy during their last year of study to accomplish the project objectives, which is a requirement for the master of science. This project will serve in lieu of a master’s thesis.

Final Written Comprehensive Examination

A comprehensive examination will be administered to all students before the completion of the last semester of their program. The examination is intended to validate students’ ability to apply the knowledge and experience gained throughout the program in coursework and experiential components of their education and training.


NC Resident Tuition Non-Resident Tuition
Per Credit Hour Semester Max Per Credit Hour Semester Max
$598 $5,382 $832.06 $7,488.50

*Student fees are also charged by the University each semester.  Fee amounts can be found at the following University website.APPLY FOR FALL 2025



Paul W. Bush, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, FASHP

Vice President for Global Resource Development and Consulting
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Bethesda, MD

Paul Bush is the Vice President for Global Resource Development and Consulting for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP).  He has held the positions of Chief Pharmacy Officer for Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC, Director of Pharmacy Services for Medical University of South Carolina, St. John Hospital and Medical Center and Detroit Osteopathic Hospital and was Corporate Director for Clinical Pharmacy Services for Horizon Health System.

Dr. Bush received his BS in Pharmacy from the University of Michigan and PharmD and MBA from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.  He serves on the faculty of University of North Carolina Eschelman School of Pharmacy and Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.  He previously served on the faculty of the Medical University of South Carolina (1999-2009) and Wayne State University (1984-1999) and served as Clinical Associate Dean for Medical Center and Health Systems for the South Carolina College of Pharmacy.

He has served as presidential officer, board member and Chair of the Board of Directors of ASHP.  Dr. Bush is Past-Treasurer of the Michigan Pharmacists Association. He has served on the Michigan Society of Health System Pharmacists Board of Directors and held the position of President-elect.  Dr. Bush is Past-Chair of the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers, Past-Chair of the University HealthSystem Pharmacy Council and has served as a member of the ASHP House of Delegates, Commission on Credentialing, Commission on Goals, and the Practice Model Summit Advisory Committee.  He is a member of APhA and ACCP.

Dr. Bush was awarded the John W. Webb Lecture Award by Northeastern University and ASHP, an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Campbell University, the Distinguished Service Award by the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers and the NCAP Pharmacy Ambassador Award

He co-authored Managing and Leading – 44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists, and chapters in Building a Successful Ambulatory Practice, Financial Management Basics for Health System Pharmacists, Handbook of Institutional Pharmacy Practice, and the Pharmacy Certified Technician Training Manual.

Stephen F. Eckel, PharmD, MHA

UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Director of MS Program in Health-System Pharmacy Administration
Associate Dean for Global Engagement
Associate Professor

Stephen F. Eckel is the associate dean for Global Engagement at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. He is also an associate professor in the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education (PACE). In addition, he is director of the two-year master of science in pharmaceutical sciences with a specialization in health-system pharmacy administration. This degree is hosted at various sites across the country. At the UNC Medical Center, he is residency program director of the 2-year program in health-system pharmacy administration. He has worked with almost 250 residents over the years.

As an innovator and entrepreneur Eckel spearheaded the development of UNC Pharmacy Grand Rounds with ASHP and launched ChemoGLO, LLC with Bill Zamboni, PharmD, PhD. He also founded Assure Technologies, LLC, which is developing the Precynge medical device. He is the previous editor of the health-system edition of Pharmacy Times and a passionate supporter of the role of the pharmacist and the use of technology in patient care. He conducts and publishes his research and is frequently asked to speak around the world on these issues.

Eckel has been very active in the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists, serving in the past as president. He is a past member of the Board of Directors of American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. In 2012, he was presented the APhA Distinguished Achievement Award in Hospital and Institutional Practice and in 2013, he was awarded the Excellence in Innovation award by NCAP. In 2015, the ASHP Foundation awarded him the Pharmacy Residency Excellence Preceptor Award. He is a fellow of ASHP, APhA, ACCP, and the National Academies of Practice in Pharmacy.


Robert P. Granko, PharmD, MBA, FASHP

System Executive Director
UNC Health

Robert Granko, BScPhm, PharmD, MBA, FASHP System Executive Director at UNC Health. His previous experience includes roles as director, Field Pharmacy Services with Premier, director of pharmacy at the Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital. He has also held multiple senior pharmacy leadership positions at UNC Health Care.

Granko earned his BScPhm from Long Island University School of Pharmacy, his PharmD from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and his MBA from Pfeiffer University, School of Graduate Studies. He maintains an academic appointment as associate professor of Clinical Education and serves as course director at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy in the combined M.S./Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Program.

Granko has been active in ASHP’s Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders since 2008, completing his term as director-at-large of the Section’s Executive Committee in 2020. Additionally, his service includes membership within the Section of Pharmacy Practice’s Advisory Groups on Emerging Leaders as well as Strategy and Industry Disruptors. He is past chair of the SAG on Manager Development, a participating content member for the Conference for Pharmacy Leaders Steering Committee and a Pharmacy Forecast Survey Panel Member. He was past faculty with ASHP’s Managers Boot Camp and ASHP’s Australia Leadership Boot Camp for The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia.

Granko has served as an ASHP delegate representing North Carolina. In 2011, he was part of a team awarded an American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Best Practices Award. In 2013, Granko and team were awarded the Leadership Excellence in Pharmacy Award (LEAP) Gold Award for research in clinical benchmarking.

In 2016, Granko was awarded the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Managers Distinguished Service Award and in 2018, he was recognized as an ASHP Fellow. In 2021, Granko successfully lead the NCAP Fellow Practitioner Recognition Program Task Force. In 2022, Granko will begin his two year appointment to the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy Editorial Board as co-contributing editor for pharmacy leadership.

He has authored over 30 publications and has been invited to present nationally and internationally on topics related to leadership development, clinician well-being and resilience, operations management, finance, benchmarking and data and analytics.


Kathryn Morbitzer, PharmD, MS

UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Associate Director, Center for Innovative Pharmacy Education and Research
Assistant Director of MS Program in Health-System Pharmacy Administration
Associate Professor

Kathryn Morbitzer, PharmD, MS, is the assistant director of the MS program with a focus in health-system pharmacy administration at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. She is also an associate professor in the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education and associate director in the Center for Innovative Pharmacy Education & Research (CIPhER). She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree at Wayne State University and her master’s in biomedical and health informatics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also completed a PGY1 pharmacy practice residency at the Medical University of South Carolina and an academic research fellowship at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Currently, her research focuses on expanding pharmacy student opportunities for impact in health care through the study of non-direct patient care (nonclinical) experiences and career pathways and on improving teaching and student learning.


Scott W. Savage, PharmD, MS

Executive Vice Dean-Chief Operating Officer, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Chief Financial Officer, Eshelman Institute for Innovation

Scott W. Savage, PharmD, MS received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s degree with a PGY2 residency certificate in Health System Pharmacy Administration from The Ohio State University Medical Center and The OSU College of Pharmacy.

Currently, Savage serves as the Executive Vice Dean-Chief Operating Officer for the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and Chief Financial Officer for the Eshelman Institute for Innovation. Prior to joining the School, he served in a myriad of leadership positions for UNC Pharmacy Services within UNC Health Care System. Most recently, as the Regional Director of Pharmacy for the UNC Medical Center, its associated campuses in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, North Carolina, and Chatham Hospital located in Siler City, North Carolina. He is an associate professor of Clinical Education within the Practice Advancement and Clinical Education division of the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and serves as a course coordinator within the MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Health System Pharmacy Administration.

Prior to joining the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Savage served in leadership and management roles in other academic medical centers and a community-based hospital. He is an active member of AACP, NCPA, ASHP, ASPL and AMCP. He enjoys developing and implementing new approaches to integrating pharmacy services in all facets of patient care.


Gene Rhea, PharmD, MHA

Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer – Retail and Specialty Pharmacy Services
Department of Pharmacy, Duke Health

Gene Rhea, PharmD, MHA serves as the Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer for Retail and Specialty Pharmacy Services for Duke University Hospital where he oversees multiple retail and specialty pharmacy operations as well as a robust patient assistance and prior authorization program. Dr. Rhea received his Bachelors in Chemistry from DePauw University, his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University and his MHA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Most recently he had also served as the Director of Pharmacy Finance, Business Intelligence and Analytics at Duke where his work specialized in financial analysis and planning as well as revenue cycle management. He is also Chair of the 340B Oversight Committee and coordinates program operations and compliance activities.

Jacalyn Rogers, PharmD, MS, BCPS, CPEL

Senior Director of Pharmacy
University Hospital

Jacalyn Rogers, PharmD, MS, CHM, BCPS is the current Senior Director for the Academic Market at University Hospitals.  As Senior Director she has oversight over pharmacy clinical services and operations for Cleveland Medical Center, Seidman Cancer Center, and Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital.  She has been the Director of Pharmacy at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital since 2017.  In this role, she has been able to develop decentralized clinical services, a retail pharmacy operation, and ensure safety and effective practices in this space.  Dr. Rogers is active in ASHP’s Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders Section Advisory Group on Leadership Development from 2014-2019 and was active on SSPL’s Educational Steering Committee since 2019.  She has served as Director-at-Large for The Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacists from 2016-2020, and is currently the Ohio Delegate for ASHP.  She also been involved on the Premier Pediatric Executive Committee and a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Dr. Rogers attended Northeast Ohio Medical University for her Doctorate in Pharmacy and completed a two-year Health-System Pharmacy Administration Residency at Nationwide Children’s Hospital earning a Master’s in Health-System Pharmacy Administration from The Ohio State University.  Dr. Rogers has also completed coursework earning a Certificate in Health – Care Management from the University of Akron.

Dr. Rogers holds an academic appointment as Clinical Assistant Professor with numerous Ohio Colleges and precepts learners from across Ohio.  Dr. Rogers’ areas of interest and publication are in medication safety and transitions-of-care.

Michael Stepanovic, Pharm.D., M.S.

Assistant Professor
UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Dr. Michael Stepanovic, PharmD, MS, is an Assistant Professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy in the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education. He teaches in both the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences programs, specializing in Health-System Pharmacy Administration. His courses cover supply chain management, pharmaceutical management and the medication use process, leadership development, health system finance, the business of healthcare, and monitoring and evaluation.

Dr. Stepanovic’s research focuses on the medication use process, medication quality—particularly substandard and falsified (SF) medications—pharmacy administration and leadership, pharmacy practice standards, and expanding opportunities for pharmacy students to impact healthcare through the study of non-direct patient care (nonclinical) experiences and career pathways, as well as improving teaching and student learning.

He completed his PharmD at Purdue University, during which he completed research on Sustainable Medicines in Africa and SF drug detection. He has held research roles at prominent institutions, as an Assistant Research Coordinator in the Department of Dermatology at Rush University Medical Center and in the Department of Surgery, Section of Transplant Surgery, at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Additionally, he held roles at AstraZeneca in Pharmaceutical Engineering and at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Critical Care and Surgery.

Dr. Stepanovic completed his clinical training with a PGY1 Acute Care Residency and administrative training with a PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration & Leadership Residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he also served as Chief Resident and Pharmacy Lead for the Hospital Emergency Response Team. During this time, he earned a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Health-System Pharmacy Administration from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and was an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of the Sciences, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Subsequently, he completed two years of post-doctoral training in Health-System Pharmacy Administration at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy under the mentorship of Dr. Stephen F. Eckel, PharmD, MHA, and Dr. Kathryn A. Morbitzer, PharmD, MS.

tyler_vestTyler A. Vest, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, BCSCP

Network Director of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Supply Chain
Department of Pharmacy

Tyler A. Vest, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCSCP, is an Associate Professor of Clinical Education at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Tyler received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy and his Master of Science Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Health-System Pharmacy Administration from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. He completed his PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency and PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration Residency at the University of North Carolina Medical Center. Tyler’s professional interests include acute care operations, leadership development, oncology, pharmacy practice and pharmacy technician advancement, distribution models, productivity and monitoring, and the medication-use process.


Pegah Bayati, Pharm.D. | Email:




Chris DeHoll, PharmD | Email:


Hans Tchienga, Pharm.D. | Email:

Hans Tchienga is originally from Cameroon. Hans graduated from the University of Kansas School of pharmacy. His favorites sports are soccer and tennis.

Jordan Miller, Pharm.D. | Email:

Jordan Miller is a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner (CPP) specialized in hematology/oncology. He has worked as a CPP with with Lymphoma Group at the University of North Carolina Cancer Hospital since 2018. Jordan attended the University of Utah for his undergraduate studies and obtained his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of South Carolina. Following completion of pharmacy school, Jordan completed his PGY1 Pharmacy Practice residency at Oregon Health & Science University and his PGY2 Hematology/Oncology residency at the University of North Carolina. In his free time, he enjoys running, attending sporting events, and traveling with his wife and three daughters.

June Munuve, Pharm.D. | Email:

June Munuve is a Master of Science candidate in Health -System Pharmacy administration and leadership program at Eshelman School of pharmacy at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. She holds a Bachelor of pharmacy degree from Nelson Mandela University in South Africa where she graduated with honours. Currently she works as a registered hospital pharmacist in Johannesburg South Africa with the Netcare group, while completing her master’s degree online as a working professional. She has extensive experience in patient care from community and hospital pharmacy. Her career interest lies in clinical research and the innovation and improvement of Pharmacy health systems. During her free time, she enjoys spending it with family and friends.

Diana Nowicki, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCACP, AAHIVP | Email:

Diana N. Nowicki is an Investigational Drug Services pharmacist at UNC Health overseeing and consulting on both oncology and non-oncology clinical trial pharmacy operations. In her role as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Education at UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, she educates pharmacy students on HIV prevention and treatment based on her previous clinical experience in dedicated HIV acute care, ambulatory care, correctional health, and retail/specialty pharmacist roles. She graduated and was awarded her teaching certificate from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy. She completed her residency at Cook County Health where she specialized in anticoagulation, population health, infectious disease including HIV and HCV, and correctional health services. Originally from Illinois, she now spends her free time nature walking, bird watching, and gardening in her new home state of North Carolina.

Melissa Smith, Pharm.D. | Email:

Melissa Smith is the Pharmacy Manager at Highsmith-Rainey Specialty Hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  She graduated from the UNC School of Pharmacy.  She is originally from Fayetteville and has been working for the Cape Fear Valley Health System since 1999.  In the fall of 2020, she became the Pharmacy Manager at Highsmith-Rainey.  When not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons and being involved in the community.


Seema Aggarwal, BPharm | Email:

Seema received her Bachelor of Pharmacy from the University of Delhi in India and is board certified in Infectious Disease Pharmacy.  She is currently a Clinical Pharmacist at IU Health AAHC in Indianapolis, IN.

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Toni Currin, Pharm.D., MBA, MSCR | Email:

Dr. Toni Currin is the Pharmacy Manager and PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program Director at UNC Health Johnston. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy, Master of Business Administration, and Master of Science in Clinical Research degrees from Campbell University. She is currently working on completing her Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Health Systems Management from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. She worked in emergency medicine for several years before transitioning to pharmacy administration. She loves spending her free time cooking and crafting.

Smilin Esther Jones, PharmD | Email:

Renee Gadsden, RPh, Pharm.D. | Email:

Renee Gadsden received her BS in Pharmacy from the University of Toledo in 2000 and her PharmD from the University of Florida in 2011.  Renee currently serves as the Controlled Substance Pharmacy Operations Coordinator at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

Hubert Lahr, Pharm.D. | Email:

Hubert Lahr and I was born and raised in the Midwest. Early on, Hubert decided he wanted to become a Jackrabbit and thus obtained his pharmacy degree from South Dakota State University. Upon graduation, Hubert completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Next, he completed a PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency at Children’s National in Washington, DC. After completion of residency, Hubert joined the UNC team and have recently taken the role of Pharmacy Manager at the UNC Chatham Hospital. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, hiking, and being active.

Bridget Latimer, Pharm.D. | Email:

Bridget Latimer graduated from Wingate University School of Pharmacy in 2017. She currently works as a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner working in value-based care. Bridget’s previous work experience includes retail pharmacy management and home delivery pharmacy. In her spare time, she enjoy spending time with her husband and toddler.

Alexia McKenzie, Pharm.D. | Email:

Alexia McKenzie is a married mother of two young children which gives her the drive for higher education. Alexia’s goal in pharmaceuticals is to work with and create safer medicine for children with less side effects and use her background in histology to analyze disease progression and create new and helpful treatments.

Hamid Moloudian, Pharm.D. | Email:

Hamid Moloudian received his PharmD and MPH from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, where he graduated in 2012. With over 10 years of experience across diverse settings, including hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry, he has developed a broad skill set. In 2019, Hamid I began pursuing a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Central Florida.

James Pietryga, Pharm.D. | Email:

James Pietryga is currently working as the outpatient clinic pharmacy supervisor at Aurora Pharmacy located in Burlington Wisconsin near Milwaukee. He graduated from Purdue University with his PharmD is 2013 and spent 7 years working for Target and CVS in the Chicagoland area.

Brian Price, Pharm.D. | Email:

Brian is the inpatient pharmacy manager for Sutter Roseville Medical Center in the greater Sacramento region of northern California. His career in pharmacy spans over two decades, extending back through experience as a hospital pharmacy technician, a clinical pharmacist (service in critical care, trauma, emergency, and antimicrobial stewardship), and as a clinical pharmacy specialist for medication safety. Brian completed his degree in pharmacy at Pacific University of Oregon, and a postgraduate acute care residency at Asante Health System in Medford Oregon. Beyond pharmacy, Brian is a former research partner with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, in the development of a patient-powered research network. He enjoys leisure time with his family, including wife, two young children and two dogs.

Aamra Shaheen, Pharm.D. | Email:

Aamra Shaheen is a Pharmacist with a PharmD degree from Pakistan. After moving to the USA, she began her career in an independent retail pharmacy and later worked with major retail chains like Walgreens and CVS and also had the opportunity to work as a Clinical Pharmacist at a hospital. Aamra is very committed to lifelong learning and continually seek opportunities to expand her knowledge and expertise.

Effie Zannikos, Pharm.D. | Email:

Effie Zannikos and I am a licensed pharmacist working at NYU Langone Hospital — Long Island. As a first-generation Greek-American and the first in her family to hold a doctorate degree, she takes great pride in her academic and professional achievements. Effie graduated from LIU in 2015 with a BS in Healthcare Professionals and a minor in Healthcare Administration. From there, she pursued a PharmD at the University of Saint Joseph in Hartford, CT. Throughout her undergraduate and doctorate programs, Effie worked for CVS Pharmacy and continued until she was licensed.  During her retail career, Effie quickly advanced to pharmacy manager and had aspirations of becoming a district leader. However, her career path shifted when she seized the opportunity to work as an operational pharmacist in a hospital setting. Effie has been working full-time at NYU Langone for two years now.  During her time at NYU Langone, she has learned the essential and vital functions of working as a team to drive patient care and safety. She has immersed herself in all aspects of operational pharmacy and is excited to take on this next chapter!  Aside from work, she enjoy traveling and spending much-needed quality time with her family and friends.

Ready to take the next step?