Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Program Outline

Pharmaceuticals are a major part of human health and the health care industry. The Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences is designed to make you more marketable, expand your career options in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and provides you with stronger credentials for a job or an advanced degree in the health care professions.
The courses acquaint undergraduate students with core areas of pharmaceutical science such as medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, regulatory science and more. The goal is that students will learn the foundations of pharmaceutical discovery, optimization, delivery, and application. Because it offers shared learning opportunities with graduate students, the program enhances the overall educational experience for undergraduate students. The program also offers the opportunity to participate in pharmaceutical sciences research.
The minor program is ideally suited for students in STEM majors such as biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and biomedical and health sciences engineering. The program prepares students for advanced study in the health sciences, an advanced degree in health care professions or a career in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industries. Learn more here.
Upon completion of the minor program, students will have important pharmaceutical sciences knowledge and skills and be better equipped to move forward with their chosen field upon graduation. Students should be able to:
- Understand how pharmaceuticals are researched and developed
- Describe how pharmaceuticals interact with the human body
- Compare methods of formulation, manufacturing and testing of pharmaceutical dosage forms
- Explain how basic sciences play a role in the development of modern therapeutics
Our current students have expressed enthusiasm over the value of the Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences and how it has impacted their education at UNC-Chapel Hill. Read about our current student profile here.
Program Requirements
The Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences requires the completion of 15 credit hours, consisting of 2 credit hours in core courses and 13 credit hours in various elective courses that will allow the student to tailor the curriculum to their educational needs.
Core Requirements (2 credits)
- PHRS 175 – Principles of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1 credit) (spring)
- PHRS 502 – Making Medicines: Drug Discovery, Development and Approval (1 credit) (fall)
Elective Courses chosen from this list (13 credits)
- PHRS 395 – Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (3 credits) (fall, spring, summer)
- PHRS 501 – Fundamentals of Regulatory Affairs (2 credits) (fall)
- PHRS 504 – Biochemical Foundations of Chemical Biology (3 credits)¹ (spring)
- PHRS 507 – Molecular Foundations of Chemical Biology: Organic and Medicinal Chemistry (3 credits) (fall)
- PHRS 515 – Evaluation Research and Project Design (3 credits) (fall)
- PHRS 516 – Foundations in Implementation Science: Examples in Precision Health and Society (1.5 credits)¹ (fall)
- PHRS 517 – Data Science in Pharmacy (1 credit) (spring)
- PHRS 564 – Advances in Drug Delivery (3 credits) (fall)
- PHRS 538 – Nanomedicine (3 credits)¹ (spring)
- PHRS 596 – Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar in Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry (1 credit)² (fall, spring)
- PHRS 597 – Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar in Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics (1 credit)² (fall, spring)
- PHRS 598 – Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar in Pharmacoengineering and Molecular Pharmaceutics (1 credit)² (fall, spring)
- PHRS 599 – Pharmaceutical Sciences Seminar in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (1 credit)² (fall, spring)
In addition to the program requirements listed above, students must:
- Take at least nine hours of their minor core requirements at UNC-Chapel Hill.
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the minor core requirements.
¹ These courses have prerequisites that are not required for the minor:
- PHRS 504 requires CHEM 241, CHEM 262 or 262H, BIOC 107 and BIOL 202 or 220 or 240
- PHRS 516 requires SOC 172 or SPHG 101
- PHRS 538 requires PHRS 564
² Only two seminars will count toward the minor. Each seminar can only be taken once, regardless of grade received.
Program Prerequisite Requirements
Minor students must have:
- Completed the following courses:
- CHEM 261: Introduction to Organic Chemistry I H
- MATH 231: Calculus of Functions of One Variable I H, F
- Completed or be enrolled simultaneously in the following course:
- CHEM 262: Introduction to Organic Chemistry II H
It is also strongly advised that students have already completed the following courses:
- BIOL 240: Cell Biology, or comparable course H
- BIOL 252: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology, or comparable course H
H Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the non-honors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.
F FY-Launch class sections may be available. A FY-Launch section fulfills the same requirements as a standard section of that course, but also fulfills the FY-Seminar/FY-Launch First-Year Foundations requirement. Students can search for FY-Launch sections in ConnectCarolina using the FY-Launch attribute.
Why should I consider applying for the Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences?
The minor is designed to make you more marketable, expand your career options in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and provides you with stronger credentials for a job or an advanced degree in the health care professions. It also enhances your Carolina experience by fostering a small community of select, like-minded students and providing you an opportunity to learn alongside current professional and graduate students.
How does the application process work?
We accept new applications from undergraduate students every fall semester. Typically, a link to the application survey is activated in late August after fall classes start. The application survey asks for usual information about you and your studies, your GPA, grades for any courses already completed in chemistry, math and biology, and courses in progress. It also asks you to send a transcript and to provide a brief statement explaining why you are interested in the pharmaceutical sciences.
The deadline for completing the application is usually in the first week of October. We review and respond to all applications immediately following the deadline. You can expect to receive a response before Fall Break and the opening of fall registration.
How many students are admitted to the minor each year?
We currently admit 14 students each year. We are limited by the number of undergraduates who can earn credit in our 500-level courses. This allows us to ensure a high-quality experience for all the students in our program.
Can I apply while currently taking one of the “must have completed” courses like CHEM 261 or MATH 231?
Yes! To enroll in courses for the minor, you must have completed CHEM 261 and MATH 231 and you must have completed or be enrolled simultaneously in CHEM 262. These courses are prerequisites and co-requisites, respectively, for our courses.
If you will successfully complete CHEM 261 and MATH 231 during the current fall semester, then your application will be considered. Once you demonstrate that you did earn a passing grade in each course (i.e., at the end of the fall semester), then you will be eligible to enroll in courses for the minor.
Can I apply this fall even though I won’t take CHEM 262 until next spring?
Yes! To enroll in courses for the minor, you must have completed CHEM 261 and MATH 231 and you must have completed or be enrolled simultaneously in CHEM 262. These courses are prerequisites and co-requisites, respectively, for our courses.
We will consider your application this fall and enroll you in PHRS courses for the Spring 2024 semester based on your promise to complete CHEM 262 during the next spring semester.
How strongly recommended are the cell biology and anatomy and physiology course before the start of the program?
The two biology courses (BIOL 240 and BIOL 252) are not required for admission. However, several of our courses rely on a student’s prior knowledge of cell biology and physiology. You can get by without them, but you may have to do some self-directed study during our elective courses to get up to speed.
Based on our experiences teaching in our professional pharmacy program (PharmD), we think that you’ll find those biology courses to be wonderful preparation for first-year PharmD coursework. So, don’t think of them as pre-requisites for courses in the minor, but rather courses that may help you long term!
If I have recognized AP credit that satisfied the MATH 231 course, will that satisfy the requirement for MATH 231 to apply for the minor?
Yes, your AP credit for MATH 231 will count. When you’re completing the application, please translate your AP exam score into a grade and use that on the application. Then, please add a note explaining that (it could be part of your interest statement or in the box for “Other relevant courses you wish to mention” unless you have other courses to enter here).
Should I take BIOL 240 if I have already taken BIOL 205? How should I fill in the grade for BIOL 205 on the application?
No, you don’t need to take BIOL 240 if you’ve completed BIOL 205. There are updates happening within the Department of Biology courses, and we’re currently accepting BIOL 205 in place of BIOL 240.
When you’re completing the application, please enter your grade for BIOL 205 in the spot for BIOL 240. Then, please add a note explaining that (it could be part of your interest statement or in the box for “Other relevant courses you wish to mention” unless you have other courses to enter here).
Are the courses listed as options (electives) for the minor offered every semester it is listed? For example, is PHRS 564 offered every spring?
Yes, the plan is to offer the courses every listed semester. However, that is ultimately up to each course director. So, we can’t guarantee that with 100% certainty.
On the application, should I check courses that I am currently taking such as CHEM 241?
Yes! For courses that you are currently taking, please choose “In progress” from the drop-down menu.
When will PHRS 100 be offered? It is listed on the UNC catalog site but not the Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences page.
PHRS 100 is not available for enrollment currently, and there is no plan for its reactivation.
If I’m admitted to the program, can I take a research course that’s required for another department’s major (e.g., CHEM 395) to fulfill PHRS 395 credit for the minor?
In principle, you can receive credit towards the minor’s requirements for other department’s courses (e.g., CHEM 395). Those substitutions must be approved on a case-by-case basis by our program director. Please contact the director as early as possible to discuss your situation.
Can I take PHRS 395 for credit every semester?
No. We accept two semesters of PHRS 395 (i.e.,6 total credits) towards the minor’s requirements. While we hope that you’ll immerse yourself in research in the pharmaceutical sciences, we also want you to master knowledge introduced in other courses!
Program Admission
The minor is available to all undergraduate students. Students must fulfill specific prerequisite requirements, as above, and submit an application. Applications will be accepted each year in the first six weeks of the fall semester. The application requires the following information:
- GPA (minimum 3.0)
- Grades for any courses already completed in chemistry, math and biology
- A brief statement (approx. 500 words) explaining why you are interested in the field of pharmaceutical science
Program Application
The Minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences program accepts applications from undergraduate students every fall semester. Typically, the application survey opens in late August after fall classes start. The deadline for completing the application is usually in the first week of October. We review and respond to all applications immediately following the deadline. Applicants can expect to receive a response before Fall Break and the opening of fall registration.
Our spring 2026 application opens in late August 2025.