Our academic divisions correspond to the stages in the drug development cycle.

Stage 1: Discovery
Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry
Our work focuses on discovering new therapeutic agents and targets. Thousands of compounds researched here at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy have the potential for therapeutic applications impacting many disease targets, such as enzymes, specific drug receptors, and even the genome.

Stage 2: Delivery
Pharmacoengineering and Molecular Pharmaceutics
We are engaged in education and research in targeted drug delivery that will ensure optimal therapeutic efficacy of pharmacologically and immunologically active agents. It is a multidisciplinary endeavor requiring knowledge in basic pharmaceutics, chemistry, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, and pharmaceutical analysis.

Stage 3: Optimization
Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics
We work to optimize drug therapy through the generation, integration, and translation of scientific information between the bench and the bedside, the patient and the population. We advance clinical practice through innovative translational research and through the education and training of clinical scientists, future pharmacists and current practitioners.
Stage 4: Practice
Practice Advancement and Clinical Education
We support and advance the practice of pharmacy by providing innovative education and training experiences for pharmacists, both present and future, demonstrating professional leadership, modeling cutting-edge practice and engaging in practiced-based scholarship.

Stage 5: Assessment
Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy
We study the effectiveness and costs of medications, how patients take their medications, and the impact of drug policies on health outcomes of vulnerable people. Our research focuses on health outcomes of patients with chronic medical conditions and the roles of pharmacists in medication therapy management.