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Two Residents Receive Incentive Grants

February 4, 2008

Two community pharmacy residents from the UNC School of Pharmacy have received incentive grants from the American Pharmacists Association Foundation to fund projects aimed at improving patient care through pharmacist intervention. Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, and Kyle Yoder, PharmD, each received a $1,000 Incentive Grant for Practitioner Innovation in Pharmaceutical Care. The grants are designed to offer pharmacists seed money to implement or support an existing patient care service within their pharmacy practice. Pudlo’s project is a proposal to develop a telephone-based intervention to improve medication use among patients who are using antidepressants. When patients who are newly started on an … Read more

2008 Graduate Student Awards

January 27, 2008

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy held its Graduate Achievement Banquet on January 26. UNC-CH Graduate School Scholarships Two first-year doctoral students from the School were recipients of merit assistantships. The UNC Graduate School awards merit assistantships to promising incoming graduate students, with the objective of maintaining and increasing the quality of graduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill. The School’s recipients are: Beth Vasiveich, Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics Christina Won, Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics The UNC Graduate School also awards a few competitive merit fellowships each year to incoming graduate students with exceptional potential. The Royster Society of Fellows … Read more

Ferreri Named APhA Fellow

January 23, 2008

Stefanie Ferreri, PharmD, CDE, the director of the Community Pharmacy Residency Program at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has been elected as a fellow of the American Pharmacists Association by the APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management. Ferreri, a clinical assistant professor in the School’s Division of Pharmacy Practice and Experiential Education, will be recognized at an award ceremony at the APhA annual meeting in March in San Diego. To qualify for the honor, a candidate must be a member of either the APhA-APPM or the APhA Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science and have at least ten years … Read more

Brouwer Receives Award from Alma Mater

December 11, 2007

Kim Brouwer, PhD, the George H. Cocolas Distinguished Professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has received the Paul F. Parker Award from the University of Kentucky and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. The annual honor recognizes a former resident of the UK Pharmacy Residency Program or someone intimately associated with the success of the program for the individual’s contribution to the profession via teaching or research. Recipients must show commitment to high ideals and excellence in their chosen field and encourage the personal and professional growth of others. Brouwer, who chairs the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, … Read more

Three Faculty Members Receive Awards

December 4, 2007

Three junior faculty members at the UNC School of Pharmacy have received awards from the University. Craig Lee, PhD, and Qisheng Zhang, PhD, each received a $7,500 Junior Faculty Development Award from the Committee on Faculty Research and Study Leaves. X. Simon Wang, PhD, received a $4,500 University Research Council Award. Lee is an assistant professor in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Pharmaceutics. He received both his doctor of pharmacy degree and his PhD from the School, and he has been a member of the faculty since 2006. His research examines the role of genomics in the development, progression, … Read more

Mansour Earns Three Postdoctoral Awards

October 30, 2007

Heidi Mansour, PhD, RPh, a Postdoctoral Pharmaceutical Research Scholar at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has earned awards from the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation, and UNC-Chapel Hill. She will receive two of the accolades during the opening ceremony of the AAPS annual meeting in San Diego, California, on November 11. She will receive the PhRMA Career Award and the AAPS Postdoctoral Fellow Award. Only one or two candidates are selected annually for either award. The PhRMA Career Award is a competitive award for an NIH-format, novel research grant proposal. The award … Read more

Three Graduate Students to be Recognized at AAPS Annual Meeting

October 12, 2007

Three graduate students from the UNC School of Pharmacy will be recognized at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists annual meeting in San Diego, California, on November 11-15. Dongmei Lu will receive the Ligand Binding Award. She will also participate in the AAPS Graduate Student Symposium in Biotechnology with a presentation titled “Aerosol Delivery of Recombinant Antigen 85B in Microparticle Vaccine Systems for Protection Against Tuberculosis.” Shyh-dar Li is the recipient of the Lipid-based Drug Delivery Award and will participate at the 2007 AAPS Graduate Student Symposium in Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technologies. His presentation is titled “Targeted Delivery of … Read more

UNC Students, Professor, SNPhA Chapter Honored at Convention

August 14, 2007

Members of the UNC School of Pharmacy received numerous honors at the annual meetings of the National Pharmaceutical Association and the Student National Pharmaceutical Association in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 20-24. National Scholarships for Academic Excellence Five of the twenty $1,000 national scholarships for academic excellence went to students in the School’s doctor of pharmacy program. The students and their scholarships are: [table “” not found /]
SNPhA Boka Hadzija Scholarship Schaffer also was the recipient of the new $1,500 SNPhA Boka Hadzija Award. The SNPhA established the scholarship to honor Hadzija, PhD, a professor in the School’s Division … Read more

PharmD Student Lisa Adams Receives RESPy Award

August 3, 2007

Lisa Adams, a fourth-year professional student at the UNC School of Pharmacy, received a Respect, Excellence, and Service in Pharmacy award from Pharmacy Times magazine. Adams, who will be featured in an upcoming issue of Pharmacy Times, has been an active volunteer in the community, including service at UNC Children’s Hospital, Alterra Woods Retirement Community, the Piedmont Community Health Clinic, and various other clinics and health fairs. She also has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and the Green County Special Olympics. In addition, she has worked in community pharmacies for almost nine years. Pharmacy Times, in conjunction with Walmart, established … Read more

Kappa Epsilon Honors UNC Faculty, Chapter

August 1, 2007

Kappa Epsilon honored two UNC School of Pharmacy faculty members and the UNC Lambda chapter at the fraternity’s 46th annual national convention on July 25-29 in Charlotte. Jennifer Stegall-Zanation, PharmD, a clinical assistant professor in the Office of Professional Education, was recognized for her contributions as convention chair. Jo Ellen Rodgers, PharmD, a clinical assistant professor in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, received the Unicorn Award, which recognizes Kappa Epsilon alumni members’ sustained service to the organization. The UNC Lambda chapter received the award for Outstanding Collegiate Chapter, as well as an honorable mention for the Best Service … Read more