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Associate Professor Scott Singleton Receives Tenure

April 25, 2007

The UNC School of Pharmacy has extended Associate Professor Scott Singleton’s appointment with tenure. Singleton, PhD, joined the School’s Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products in 2003 as a nontenure associate professor. Before coming to UNC-Chapel Hill, he was an assistant professor in Rice University’s Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Singleton earned bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and biology at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, and obtained his doctorate in organic chemistry from the California Institute of Technology. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at Penn State University. Singleton’s research focuses on the interface of … Read more

Brouwer Receives Honor from University of Kentucky

April 23, 2007

Kim Brouwer, PharmD, received the inaugural UK Pharmaceutical Sciences Outstanding Graduate Program Alumni Award from the University of Kentucky, her alma mater. Brouwer earned her doctor of pharmacy and her doctorate from UK, where she also did her postdoctoral training. She currently serves as the George H. Cocolas Distinguished Professor and as chair of the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeuticsat at the UNC School of Pharmacy. She directs a research program in hepatobiliary drug disposition that focuses on the mechanisms of drug uptake and excretion by the liver. The program is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Brouwer … Read more

Andrew Lee Promoted to Associate Professor

March 29, 2007

The UNC School of Pharmacy has promoted Andrew Lee, PhD, to associate professor with tenure. Lee joined the School’s Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products as an assistant professor in March 2001. He also holds a joint appointment in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the School of Medicine. He received his BA in chemistry from Pomona College in 1989 and his PhD in chemistry from the University of California Berkeley in 1996. Before coming to UNC, Lee was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania and the State University of New York at Buffalo. Lee’s research … Read more

School Names Top Preceptors, AHEC Instructor for 2007

March 26, 2007

Wilmington pharmacist John Davie Waggett and Gastonia pharmacist Wyn Wheeler Sterling have been named the 2007 Preceptors of the Year by the School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The School also named Mollie Ashe Scott the Area Health Education Center Instructor of the Year, which recognizes an outstanding faculty member who has had a positive impact on students’ advanced practice experience. Waggett was named the Community Preceptor of the Year, while Sterling was named the Hospital Preceptor of the Year. The UNC Preceptor of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding preceptor who has participated … Read more

Hadzija to Receive Graduate School Dean’s Award

March 21, 2007

Boka Hadzija, PhD, a professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, is the recipient of the 2007 Graduate School Dean’s Award for Significant Contributions to Graduate Education. Hadzija will receive the honor April 12 at the Graduate School’s ninth annual Recognition Celebration. The ceremony will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Carolina Club at the George Watts Hill Alumni Center. Among the other awards to be presented during the ceremony is the Boka Hadzija Award for Distinguished University Service by a Graduate or Professional Student, which she established in 2000. Hadzija has earned more than a dozen awards for teaching … Read more

Hadzija Honored with Distinguished Teaching Award

March 21, 2007

Boka Hadzija, PhD, has been named as a recipient of a 2007 University Professor of Distinguished Teaching Award, one of the University’s highest recognitions for teaching excellence. Hadzija, along with twenty-one winners of teaching awards in nine categories, wasrecognized during halftime of the Carolina-N.C. State men’s basketball game. She will be recognized by Chancellor James Moeser at an awards banquet this spring. The University Professor of Distinguished Teaching Award, given every three years, provides two three-year term professorships recognizing career teaching excellence. One award is for tenured faculty in academic affairs, including professional schools, and one is for tenured faculty … Read more

McLeod Forms New Individualized Therapy Institute at UNC

March 15, 2007

New Pharmacy Professor Seeks to Match the Medicine to the Patient Howard McLeod, PharmD, wants to help physicians get it right the first time when they select a medicine to treat cancer and other illnesses. He is heading a new research institute at the UNC School of Pharmacy that will find ways to match medicines to the unique makeup of the people needing them. “In cancer and almost every other area of medicine, there are multiple drugs that work,” McLeod says. “But none of them work more than half the time. So when prescribers are faced with choosing what medicine … Read more

Rodgers is New APhA Rep to National Diabetes Program

March 7, 2007

Phil Rodgers, PharmD, has been appointed as the APhA representative to the National Diabetes Educational Program. He will serve on both the Steering Committee and the Pharmacy Podiatry, Optometry, and Dental Professionals (PPOD) work group. The National Diabetes Education Program is a federally funded program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and includes over 200 partners at the federal, state, and local levels, working together to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes.

Caiola Appointed to ACPE Continuing Education Commission

February 6, 2007

The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education has appointed Steve Caiola, MS, an associate professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, to its newly established Continuing Pharmacy Education Commission. Caiola, who will serve a three-year term on the CPEC, has been the director of the Postgraduate/Continuing Education Program at the School since July 1998. The ACPE is the national agency in charge of accrediting professional degree programs in pharmacy and providers of continuing pharmacy education. The CPEC—a ten-member board—will consist of representatives from ACPE–accredited providers, state boards of pharmacy, practicing pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. The board is responsible for recommending policy … Read more

Rodgers Receives KE Career Achievement Award

January 16, 2007

Jo Ellen Rodgers, PharmD, is the 2007 recipient of the Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Career Achievement Award. Rodgers is a clinical assistant professor in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics. “Jo Ellen’s accomplishments reflect so admirably on her, on our organization, and the University as well,” says Nancy Stankiewicz, executive director of Kappa Epsilon. “I believe we all take pride in her achievements and personal integrity. UNC is blessed to have such an asset.” In 2005 Rodgers received the KE National Outstanding Advisor Award for her service to the UNC chapter of the fraternity. Rodgers maintains an active clinical practice … Read more