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Juliano to Oversee School’s Research and Graduate Education

April 25, 2008

The UNC School of Pharmacy has named Rudy Juliano, PhD, an expert in drug targeting, as its new associate dean for research and graduate education. Juliano fills the vacancy left by Dhiren Thakker, PhD, who stepped down to pursue other projects at the School. Before coming to the School, Juliano was the Cary C. Boshamer Distinguished Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the UNC School of Medicine, where he served as department chair from 1987 to 2002. In his new position, Juliano will oversee the School’s research and graduate education programs. One key component of his responsibilities will be … Read more

Ives Receives Recertification in Pharmacotherapy

April 21, 2008

Timothy Ives, PharmD, MPh, an associate professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has received recertification in pharmacotherapy from the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties. BCPS is pharmacy’s the highest credential in pharmacotherapy. To receive board certification, pharmacotherapy specialists must demonstrate a defined level of education and training, as well as mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the public’s demand for expert pharmaceutical care.

Huang Receives More than $3 Million in NIH Funding

April 17, 2008

Leaf Huang, PhD, a Fred Eshelman Distinguished Professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has received two grants from the National Institutes of Health, each worth more than $1.5 million over five years, to support cancer-therapy research. Huang, who chairs the School’s Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics, is an expert in designing new methods of drug delivery that could make gene therapy an effective weapon in the fight against cancer. One of his new grants will support the development of cancer therapy using LPD nanoparticles, a novel vector that Huang’s lab created. LPD nanoparticles are consisted of lipid, polycations (molecules with … Read more

Lee Receives NIH Grant for Collaboration with Singleton

April 8, 2008

Andrew Lee, PhD, an associate professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has received a grant from the National Institutes of Health for a collaboration with fellow School faculty Scott Singleton, PhD, to study at how protein motions affect function and inhibition in the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. The grant is titled “Intra- and Intermolecular Dynamics of Dihydrofolate Reductase” and is worth more than $1 million over four years. “Proteins are dynamic molecules, and this aspect often contributes to their function in binding ligands and catalyzing reactions,” Lee says. “However, the traditional methods used to determine molecular structures don’t directly report … Read more

Farrington Named ACCM Fellow

March 24, 2008

Elizabeth Farrington, PharmD, FCCM, a clinical assistant professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has been inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Farrington has been a clinical specialist in pediatrics at UNC Hospitals since 1994. She is also a lecturer, course coordinator, and preceptor for PharmD students at the School. The ACCM is part of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, an organization that aims to foster the highest goals of multiprofessional critical care. The fellowship is given to members of SCCM who have demonstrated dedication to the collaborative practice model of critical care; … Read more

UNC Proofs Inhaled TB Vaccine

March 22, 2008

A new tuberculosis vaccine successfully tested at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is easier to administer and store and just as effective as one commonly used worldwide. Scientists at the UNC School of Pharmacy led by Tony Hickey, PhD, vetted a dry-powder vaccine provided by Harvard University that is administered by inhaling a dry powder. The results of the vaccine test were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “It is at least as good as the injectable vaccine,” said Hickey, a professor in the Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics. “The real advantage is that … Read more

McLeod to Deliver Abrams Lecture

March 20, 2008

Howard McLeod, PharmD, a professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy and the director of the UNC Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, has been selected to deliver the 2008 Dr. William B. Abrams Lecture, becoming the first PharmD scientist to receive that honor in the ten-year history of the lecture series. The lecture, cosponsored by the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and the Food and Drug Administration/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, will be held at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, Maryland, on Wednesday, April 30, from 1:30-2:30 p.m. McLeod’s lecture is titled “Personalized … Read more

Zamboni Joins School of Pharmacy, Lineberger

March 3, 2008

William Zamboni, PharmD, PhD, an expert in translational studies of anticancer agents, has joined the UNC School of Pharmacy and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Zamboni, who came to UNC from the University of Pittsburgh, is an associate professor in the School’s Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics. He is also a member of the School’s Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy and an associate member at Lineberger. “Dr. Zamboni brings an international reputation in cancer clinical pharmacology and will make a big impact on the development of new therapies for the patients of North Carolina,” says Howard McLeod, … Read more

Gal to Receive Helms Award

February 26, 2008

Peter Gal, PharmD, a clinical professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has been selected as the recipient of the 2008 Richard A. Helms Award for Excellence in Pediatric Pharmacy Practice. Gal, who is the director of pharmacotherapy, education and research at the Greensboro Area Health Education Center, will receive the award at the 17th Annual Pediatric Pharmacy Conference and PPAG Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 4. Gal has received numerous honors since becoming a pharmacist at the Greensboro AHEC and a clinical assistant professor at the School in 1979. He has been practicing neonatal pharmacotherapy since 1977 … Read more

AHEC Faculty Receives Fellowship to Study Virtual Patient Approach

February 21, 2008

Peter Koval, PharmD, a clinical assistant professor at the UNC School of Pharmacy, has been selected as a John Payne Fellow. The fellowship comes with a $2,000 stipend for Koval’s project: studying the use of virtual patients in training pharmacy students. Koval, a clinical pharmacist at Moses Cone Memorial Hospital in Greensboro, is the assistant director of pharmacy research, pharmacotherapy, and education at the Greensboro Area Health Education Center. He is planning to use his fellowship to learn how the School of Pharmacy at Keele University in the United Kingdom uses robotic avatars and voice-recognition software to create virtual patients … Read more