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Prerequisites for Pharm.D. Applicants

All prerequisites must be completed at a regionally accredited institution.

*One semester unit is equivalent to 1.5 quarter units. To convert semester units to quarter units, multiply the semester units by 1.5.

Please contact us at for prior approval for online lab courses


Math and Science Prerequisites

Semester Units

UNC Chapel Hill Course


Additional Information


BIOL 101/101L

“Principles of Biology”


  • Must include at least one lecture and one lab
  • Cell biology or Molecular biology lecture and lab will satisfy the prerequisite.
  • AP score of 3 or higher will satisfy the prerequisite.
4 BIOL 252/252L

“Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology”

Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Must be human based. Animal/Mammalian does not meet this requirement.
  • If the course is offered in two parts or Human Anatomy and Human Physiology are taught separately, both sections must be completed to satisfy the prerequisite. In the event the lecture is taught in two parts, only one lab is required.
4 CHEM 101/101L

“General Descriptive Chemistry I”

General Chemistry

  • Should be part of course sequence designed for science majors.
  • Must include a lecture and lab.
  • AP score of 3 or higher will satisfy the requirement


CHEM 102/102L
“General Descriptive Chemistry II”

General Chemistry

  • Should be part of course sequence designed for science majors.
  • Must include a lecture and lab.
  • AP score of 5 will meet both 101 and 102 requirements.


CHEM 241/241L

“Separations/Analytical Characterization”

  • Required for UNC Chapel Hill students ONLY.
  • Must include lab.


CHEM 261 and lab

“Introduction to Organic Chemistry I”

Organic Chemistry
  • Should be part of course sequence designed for science majors.
  • Must include a lecture and a lab.
  • For UNC Chapel Hill students ONLY 241 Lab will cover the lab requirement for 261.

CHEM 262/262L

“Introduction to Organic Chemistry II”

Organic Chemistry
  • Should be part of course sequence designed for science majors. Must include a lecture and lab.

CHEM 430

“Introduction to Biological Chemistry”


  • Upper-level biochemistry course with organic chemistry 1 as a prerequisite.
  • A biochemistry lab is not required.

MCRO 251

“Introduction to Medical Microbiology


  • Microbiology lecture with or without a lab. Lab is preferred, but will accept course without a lab.

PHYS 114 with lab

“General Physics I”


  • Calculus based preferred but will accept algebra based.
  • Lab is required.
  • AP score of 4 or higher will satisfy the requirement

MATH 231

“Calculus of One Variable”

  • Minimum of 3 credit semester units.
  • • AP Calculus AB or BC with 3 or higher will satisfy the requirement

STOR 151 or 155

“Introduction to Data Analysis”


  • Statistics or biostatistics will satisfy the prerequisite.
  • AP score of 3 or higher will satisfy the requirement


General Education Prerequisites

Students enrolling in the program without a bachelor’s degree are required to complete at least two years of undergraduate coursework (at least 60 semester credit hours) including the math, science, and general education prerequisites from a regionally accredited institution.

Semester Units

UNC Chapel Hill Course


Additional Information

3 ENG 105 “English Composition and Rhetoric” English
  • ENG 101 or 102 are accepted for UNC Chapel Hill students who entered college in the fall of 2011 or earlier.
  • AP credit is not accepted
6 Social Sciences
  • Two social science courses required.
  • Examples of accepted courses include Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, and Anthropology.
  • AP scores of 4 or higher for Psychology, U.S. Government, Economics, or Comparative Government and Politics can be used to satisfy part of the requirement.
6 Humanities
  • Two humanities courses required.
  • Examples of accepted courses include English, History, Philosophy, Ethics, Ethnic and Gender Studies, Social Justice, or foreign language study.
  • AP language scores of 4 or higher can be used to satisfy part of the requirement.
  • History scores of 3 or higher can be used to satisfy part of the requirement.


How Do I Evaluate My Prerequisite Courses?

Click on the description below that fits you.

Step 1

Print out the list of PharmD prerequisite courses. As a non-degree student, you will need to complete math, science, and general education prerequisites.

Step 2

Print out or acquire a transcript from your school(s).

Step 3

Click here to find the transfer equivalency page for your school to determine how courses at your school transfer to courses at UNC-Chapel Hill. If you attend or attended a community college in North Carolina, click here to find the NC Community College Common Curriculum.

Step 4

Write down the UNC-Chapel Hill equivalent courses next to your courses on your transcript from Step 2 in a new column.

Step 5

For general education requirements, consult the UNC undergraduate catalog.

Step 6

If there are courses that are not listed on the transfer equivalency page and you think they fulfill prerequisites, first review our Admissions FAQs below. If you have AP, IB, or CLEP credits, click here to determine score standards at UNC-Chapel Hill.

If you are still unable to locate the equivalent course, please direct specific questions to

Step 1

Print out the list of PharmD prerequisite courses. Since you have a baccalaureate degree, you will only need to complete the math and science prerequisites.

Step 2

Print out or acquire a transcript from your school(s).

Step 3

Click here to find the transfer-equivalency page for your school to determine how courses at your school transfer to courses at UNC-Chapel Hill. If you attend or attended a community college in North Carolina, click here to find the NC Community College Common Curriculum.

Step 4

Write down the UNC-Chapel Hill equivalent courses next to your courses on your transcript from Step 2 in a new column.

Step 5

If there are courses that are not listed on the transfer equivalency tab and you think they fulfill prerequisites, first review our Admissions Frequently Asked Questions below on this page. If you have AP, IB, or CLEP credits, click here to determine score standards at UNC-Chapel Hill.

If you are still unable to locate the equivalent course, please direct specific questions to

Foreign credits are evaluated in accordance to practices currently used by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. The applicant must have their courses evaluated by World Education Services (WES).

Students must submit their course-by-course transcript evaluations to PharmCAS when applying for admission. You can request a WES evaluation directly through the PharmCAS application. If a student is admitted, the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy will use the course-by-course evaluation to award credit based on rules currently in place for transferring credit from U.S. colleges and universities.

Step 1

Submit your foreign transcript to World Education Services (WES).”

Step 2

After your transcript has been evaluated, print out the list of PharmD prerequisite courses.

Step 3

Compare the PharmD prerequisite courses to the courses on your evaluated transcript.

Step 4

Check our prerequisites Frequently Asked Questions. If you have AP, IB, or CLEP credits, click here to determine score standards at UNC-Chapel Hill.

If you have questions about equivalent courses, please contact

Step 5 (for non-degree applicants only)

For general education requirements, consult the UNC undergraduate catalog.

Prospective students who would like to transfer from another college/school of pharmacy must apply as an entry-level applicant and enter as a first year student.

Policy for Transferring Credits

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy is responsible for evaluating and awarding transfer credit for enrolling students. Transfer credit hours are awarded for grades of C minus or better in the School of Pharmacy. Students presenting an equivalent course with a grade of D will receive course-content-credit only (excluding math and science prerequisites). Therefore, hours from these courses will not count towards the required credits needed for graduation.

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy consults the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the following publications when courses are in question:

  • Transfer Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
  • Accredited Institution of Post-Secondary Education published by the American Council on Education

Course Waivers

If a student feels he/she is proficient in a course not accepted for credit, he/she may seek approval through the appropriate UNC department. If credit is recommended by the department, the student must submit a letter to the Office of Curricular and Student Affairs from the department stating that credit is recommended.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all courses completed for transfer to UNC-Chapel Hill are equivalent to the required UNC-Chapel Hill course.

Covid-19 Vaccine Documentation

  • UNC Health announced that they will require employees and students to complete their vaccination series two shots of a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine) by Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021.
  • Students with clinical experiences at UNC Health and other clinical sites that have such requirements, regardless of curriculum phase or duration, must complete their vaccination series by the deadlines set by the placement sites.
  • To facilitate placement, vaccinated students should upload a copy of their vaccination record to RxPreceptor.
  • Students seeking approved medical or religious exemptions must submit a request to their placement site.
  • Students who cannot show proof of vaccination or who otherwise do not meet clinical site requirements may not be permitted by the clinical sites to work in these clinical settings and should explore options that include a leave of absence.

Hepatitis B Immunity

  • These vaccinations are normally administered during childhood in the United States.
    • If the vaccine series was not received during childhood, this requirement will take up to 7 months to complete (initial three vaccine series and titer)– check your health documentation when applying and begin the vaccination series by November 15 if needed.
  • Documentation for this requirement must include the three vaccine series and a positive titer (immunity blood test) lab report with reference range/index.
    • Achieving a positive titer may require additional time-sensitive steps. This information will be made available to admitted students on the New Student website.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

  • These vaccinations are normally administered during childhood in the United States.
  • Documentation for this requirement must show two combined MMR vaccinations OR individual vaccinations for measles (2 doses), mumps (2 doses), and rubella (1 dose) OR a sufficient combination thereof; OR
  • Positive titer (immunity blood test) lab reports for each disease are also acceptable forms of documentation.


  • These vaccinations are normally administered during childhood in the United States.
  • Documentation for this requirement must show a minimum of three vaccinations.  These vaccinations may take any of the following forms:
    • DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
    • DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis)
    • DT (diphtheria, tetanus)
    • Td (tetanus, diphtheria)
    • Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis)
  • At least one of the three required vaccinations MUST be an adult Tdap vaccine (brand name Adacel or Boostrix) given in the past 10 years.  This dose of Tdap is a one-time requirement for all health science students.  A Td booster is required every 10 years thereafter.
  • Students must provide current tetanus documentation (vaccination or booster within the last 10 years) to matriculate.

Varicella (chicken pox)

  • These vaccinations are normally administered during childhood in the United States.
  • Documentation for this requirement must either show two varicella vaccinations; OR
  • Positive IgG (antibody) titer (immunity blood test) lab report.
  • Providing a document that shows the date(s) that you had the disease is not sufficient.


  • These vaccinations are normally administered during childhood in the United States.
  • Documentation for this requirement must show a minimum of three vaccinations. Students who are 18 years of age or older and who do not have a vaccination record for this requirement will need to contact the School after receiving an admissions offer for instructions.

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • A TB blood test is required (QuantiFERON Gold or T-Spot) or a 2-step TB skin test (must include place, date, read date, and mm induration for each test).
  • A lab report is required for documentation
  • Lab report may be qualitative or quantitative, but it must include a reference range/index
  • For more information about TB Blood tests, please visit the CDC webpage (link to
  • Students who have had a previous positive skin test or who cannot complete a blood test due to other contraindications will need to contact the School after receiving their admissions offer.


  • The health documentation required by the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy is separate from and in addition to the documentation required by UNC-Chapel Hill Campus Health.
  • Admitted students will be sent instructions on submitting their health documentation. You do not need to send your documentation until you have been accepted into the program.
  • You should always keep your own copies of your health documents.  You will need them throughout the Pharm.D. program and your pharmacy career.

Health Insurance

  • All students enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill are required to have health insurance.
  • Each semester the Student Health Insurance Fee (insurance premium) is added to all students’ University accounts. Students are required to pay the premium or complete the online waiver process before the semester deadline. The waiver requires that you have your own insurance.
  • Once your waiver is verified and approved, the premium will be credited back to your student account.

More information is available at

Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)

  • The PCAT test is an optional requirement for the 2022-2023 admissions cycle. Applicants who are unable to complete an exam or who choose not to report exam scores will not be disadvantaged.
  • Submitting PCAT scores may be helpful for those who are concerned about a particular area of their application. If you choose to submit PCAT scores, we will review them with the rest of your application materials. The PCAT must be taken no later than January of the year you plan to enroll for consideration. If you are applying through the priority deadline, we suggest taking the PCAT in July.
  • If you choose to submit PCAT scores, submit scores to PharmCAS, not to the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Use PCAT code 104 in PharmCAS.

Register for the PCAT