Michael Stepanovic
Assistant Professor

(919) 843-4937
301 Pharmacy Lane Beard Hall, , Rm 316 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7574, Campus Box 7574, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599
Dr. Michael Stepanovic, PharmD, MS, is an Assistant Professor at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy in the Division of Practice Advancement and Clinical Education. He teaches in both the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) and Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences programs, specializing in Health-System Pharmacy Administration. His courses cover supply chain management, pharmaceutical management and the medication use process, leadership development, health system finance, the business of healthcare, and monitoring and evaluation.
Dr. Stepanovic’s research focuses on the medication use process, medication quality—particularly substandard and falsified (SF) medications—pharmacy administration and leadership, pharmacy practice standards, and expanding opportunities for pharmacy students to impact healthcare through the study of non-direct patient care (nonclinical) experiences and career pathways, as well as improving teaching and student learning.
He completed his PharmD at Purdue University, during which he completed research on Sustainable Medicines in Africa and SF drug detection. He has held research roles at prominent institutions, as an Assistant Research Coordinator in the Department of Dermatology at Rush University Medical Center and in the Department of Surgery, Section of Transplant Surgery, at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Additionally, he held roles at AstraZeneca in Pharmaceutical Engineering and at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Critical Care and Surgery.
Dr. Stepanovic completed his clinical training with a PGY1 Acute Care Residency and administrative training with a PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration & Leadership Residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he also served as Chief Resident and Pharmacy Lead for the Hospital Emergency Response Team. During this time, he earned a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Health-System Pharmacy Administration from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and was an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of the Sciences, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Subsequently, he completed two years of post-doctoral training in Health-System Pharmacy Administration at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy under the mentorship of Dr. Stephen F. Eckel, PharmD, MHA, and Dr. Kathryn A. Morbitzer, PharmD, MS.
As an innovator and entrepreneur, Dr. Stepanovic founded MedTrak, LLC, which enhances patient safety by tracking medications throughout the use process. He has completed several technology commercialization programs, including the NSF Regional Innovation Corps (I-CORPS) Fellowship and the NIH National I-CORPS program, where he served as a Technical Lead. Additionally, he has worked as a Venture Catalyst Fellow through KickStart Venture Services. These experiences have honed his expertise in technology commercialization, venture capital, market strategy, and consulting. Dr. Stepanovic is a strong advocate for the role of pharmacists in leveraging technology to enhance patient care and safety.
Dr. Stepanovic is active in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, serving on the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders Advisory Group on Strategy and Industry Disruptors. He is also involved with the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) as the co-Chair of the Basel Statement Promotion Committee, the American College of Healthcare Executives, and numerous other state, national, and international pharmacy organizations. Additionally, he serves as the managing editor of the THRIV coalition for IV accuracy and is an avid volunteer in the community, contributing to local free clinics and coaching in underserved areas.
- Master of Science (MS) in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a Specialization in Health-System Pharmacy Administration
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
- Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
- Purdue University, College of Pharmacy
Professional Training
- Venture Catalyst Fellow
- KickStart Venture Services, InnovateCarolina, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Post-Doctoral Fellow, Health-System Pharmacy Administration
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
- PGY2/MS Health System Pharmacy Administration & Leadership Resident
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine)
- PGY1 Acute Care Resident | PGY1/MS Health System Pharmacy Administration & Leadership Resident |
- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine)
Stepanovic M*, Moss AC, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Evaluation of the value of board certified pharmacists in US hospitals and the associated impact on clinical and operational measures: a pilot study. [Submitted to Am J Health Syst Pharm]
Mafarafara NG, Stepanovic M*, Eckel SF. Application of Basel Statements in South Africa: lessons from Brisbane and the world. S Afr Pharm JJ. 2024; 91(2): 54-56
Stepanovic M*, Eckel SF. Develop policies and procedures for USP<800> success. Pharmacy Products & Purchasing 2023; 20(11):1-4
Stepanovic M*, Eckel SF. Identify a designated person for USP<800> compliance and safety. Pharmacy Products & Purchasing 2023; 20(10):2-3
Okezue M, Smith DT, Musaya K, Kihore N, Ekeocha Z, Nowak T, Roth S, Lee M, Stepanovic M, Maize HL, Adekoya A, Byrn S, Clase K. Evaluating active content in chloramphenicol ophthalmic solutions available in a low-resource setting: A case study,” The Proceedings of the BIRS Community 2023; 1(1): 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7771/2836-5666.1006
Stepanovic M*, Vahary EB, Kenneally AM, Krause JE, Carlstedt BC. Purdue College of Pharmacy at the State Fair: An Overview of the Development and Implementation of a Blood Pressure Booth Education Booth. Pending Publication in Purdue Journal of Service-Learning and International Engagement.
Stepanovic M*, Lewin JJ, Nesbit TW. Credentialing & Privileging Pharmacists at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Writing on the Wall 2018; 18(8):5-6.
Stepanovic M*. 10 Ways to be a Wise Healthcare Consumer. Amber Pharmacy: Health Tips 2018; 2:1. Available at: https://www.amberpharmacy.com/10-ways-wise-healthcare-consumer/.
Maize H, Mavity M, McCord J, Schramm S, Stepanovic M*, Wintczak D. Method to Improve Drug Safety in Africa: A Pharmaceutical Learning Module. The Journal of Purdue Undergraduate Research 2017; 7:8-17. DOI: 10.5703/1288284316392.
Selected Poster Presentations
Stepanovic M*, Eckel SF, Kirsa S, Galbraith K, Morbitzer KA. Assessing the impact of a pharmacy administration and leadership short course targeting new hospital pharmacy leaders. Submitted to: The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2024 World Congress of Pharmacists; September 2024; Cape Town, South Africa
Stepanovic M*, Dabliz R, Penm J, Moss RJ, Moles R, Vaillancourt R, Eckel SF. A review of the 2023-2024 updates to the FIP Basel Statements. Submitted to: The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2024 World Congress of Pharmacists; September 2024; Cape Town, South Africa
Stepanovic M*, Bright CL, Doan UN, Kim S, Kirollos A, Eckel SF, Morbitzer KA. Developing core concepts in pharmacy administration and leadership training. Submitted to: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Meeting; June 2024; Portland, Oregon
Stepanovic M*, Bright CL, Doan UN, Kim S, Kirollos A, Eckel SF, Morbitzer KA. Pathways for pharmacists to hospital c-suites: insights on transitions to hospital administration. Submitted to: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Meeting; June 2024; Portland, Oregon
Earnhart MA, Hairston L, Stepanovic M*, Armistead LT, Eckel SF. Comparative assessment of closed system transfer devices using NIOSH’s vapor containment performance protocol during pharmacy compounding and administration of hazardous drugs. Presented at: Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Graduate Education Research Retreat; March 2024; Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Stepanovic M*, Moss AC, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Evaluation of the value of board certified pharmacists in US hospitals and associated impact on clinical and operational measures: a pilot study. Presented at: The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia Medicines Management 47th National Conference; November 2023; Cairns, Australia
Stepanovic M*, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Evaluating the perceived impact of a master of sciences in health-system pharmacy administration program on graduate academic success and practice sites. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting; December 2023; Anaheim, California
Elmoazen Y, Lee E, Stepanovic M*, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Pathways to successful careers in pharmacy administration and leadership. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting; December 2023; Anaheim, California
Earnhart MA, Hairston L, Stepanovic M*, Armistead LT, Eckel SF. Comparative assessment of closed system transfer devices using NIOSH’s vapor containment performance protocol during pharmacy compounding and administration of hazardous drugs. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting; December 2023; Anaheim, California
Stepanovic M*, Moss AC, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Evaluation of the value of board certified pharmacists in US hospitals and associated impact on clinical and operational measures: a pilot study. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Meeting; June 2023; Baltimore, Maryland
Stepanovic M*, Morbitzer KA, Eckel SF. Job analysis for pharmacy administrators & leaders: a methodical review of role delineation studies. Presented at: Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Graduate Education Research Retreat; January 2023; Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Stepanovic M*, Augustino M, Delisle M, Goncalo C, Buatois E. Single center, quasi experimental, mixed methods analysis of the implementation of a novel inventory management system and interfaced robotics system. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting; December 2021; Virtual due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Stepanovic M*, Norris M, Erush SC, McCarthy LA, Trofe-Clark J. Retrospective, single- center evaluation of sex disparities in pharmacy residency letters of recommendation to a large academic medical center postgraduate year 1 residency program. Presented at: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting; December 2020; Virtual due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Byrn S*, Bukwall G, Clase K, Ekeocha Z, Maize H, Msuya K, Stepanovic M. Quality Medicines in Africa: Substandard and Counterfeit Eye Drop Detection. Presented at: I2D Exposition; March 2019; West Lafayette, Indiana.
Byrn S*, Bukwall G, Chang C, Clase K, Davis-Roth S, Ekeocha Z, Lee MK, Maize H, Msuya K, Nowak T, Stepanovic M. Medicines in Africa. Presented at: I2D Exposition; March 2018; West Lafayette, Indiana.
Byrn S, Stepanovic M*, Maize H, Bukwall G, Chang C, Clase K, Davis-Roth S, Ekeocha Z, Lee MK, Msuya K, Nowak T. Medicines in Africa. Presented at: American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Annual Meeting and Exposition; November 2017; San Diego, California.
Stepanovic M*, Maize H, Chang C., Hegwood M, Nadir S. Quality Medicine Testing of SSFFC Drugs in Tanzania. Presented at: I2D Exposition; March 2017; West Lafayette, Indiana.
Stepanovic M*, Deck WA. Suspension Hold Time Study to Determine Microbiological Hold Times of Opadry Suspensions. Presented at: AstraZeneca; August 2016; Mount Vernon, Indiana.
McCord J*, Mavity M, Stepanovic M, Maize H, Gagneja A, Hegwood M, Nadir S. Universal Method for Analysis of Counterfeit Medication. Presented at: I2D Exposition; March 2016; West Lafayette, Indiana.
Strategies for Implementing Basel Statements. Yogyakarta Special Region Hospital Pharmacy Seminary Association; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; September 2024
Strategies for Implementing Procurement Best Practices from the Basel Statements. Yogyakarta Special Region Hospital Pharmacy Seminary Association; Yogyakarta, Indonesia; September 2024
Developing core concepts in pharmacy administration and leadership training. The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2024 World Congress of Pharmacists; Cape Town, South Africa; September 2024
Basel Statements in Action: Unveiling Best Practices for Implementing Basel Statements and Maintaining High-Quality Hospital Pharmacy Practice in Africa. The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2024 World Congress of Pharmacists; Cape Town, South Africa; September 2024
Supply Chain Excellence: Unpacking the Procurement Theme of the FIP Basel Statements. The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2024 World Congress of Pharmacists; Cape Town, South Africa; September 2024
FIP HPS Basel Statement Updates. The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2023 World Congress of Pharmacists; Brisbane, Australia; September 2023
FIP HPS Basel Statement Updates and Consensus Activity. The International Pharmaceutical Federation for 2023 World Congress of Pharmacists; Brisbane, Australia; September 2023
Development and Implementation of a Novel Standardized Algorithm-Based Automation Optimization Strategy in a Mid-Sized Community Hospital. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical Meeting; New Orleans, Louisiana; December 2024
Excel-Driven Inventory Management: Empowering Pharmacy Students for Success in the Business of Healthcare. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical Meeting; New Orleans, Louisiana; December 2024
Andragogy in action: an innovative approach to training tomorrow’s pharmacy administrators and leaders. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; Boston, Massachusetts; July 2024
Regional, Institutional & Others
Single center, quasi experimental, mixed methods analysis of the implementation of a novel inventory management system and interfaced robotics system. Eastern States Residency Conference; Virtual due to COVID-19 Pandemic; April 2022
Counterfeit Medications & Online Pharmacies: What You Need to Know to Keep Patients Safe. Pennsylvania Society of Health-Systems Pharmacist; King of Prussia, Pennsylvania; May 2021
Retrospective, single- center evaluation of sex disparities in pharmacy residency letters of recommendation to a large academic medical center postgraduate year 1 residency program.
Eastern States Residency Conference; Virtual due to COVID-19 Pandemic; May 2021
Others available upon request