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Three Graduate Students Earn Travel Awards for AAPS Workshop

February 10, 2011

Three doctoral students at the School have earned travel awards for the 2011 AAPS Workshop on Drug Transporters in ADME: From the Bench to the Bedside. The students are Matthew Dufek from the Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Nathan Pfeifer and Kyunghee Yang from the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics. They will each receive $750 to cover travel and lodging for attending the workshop, which will be held in Bethesda, Maryland, on March 14-16. Each student will deliver a podium presentation and take part in a poster session at the workshop. Titles for the students’ abstracts are: Dufek: Can … Read more

Lai Receives AACP New Faculty Award, NIAID Grant

January 24, 2011

Sam Lai, PhD, has been honored with an AACP New Faculty Award and has received a $400,000 grant from NIAID to explore trapping HIV in mucus as a way of preventing infection. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy New Faculty Award program provides start-up funding for new pharmacy faculty’s research programs. As many as fifteen grants of up to $10,000 each will be awarded in the 2010–2011 academic year to individual faculty starting their academic careers at AACP-member colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States. Lai also receives $1,000 from AACP for required travel to the AACP Annual … Read more

Community Pharmacy Resident Receives Grant for Vaccination Study

December 13, 2010

Abbey Jenkins, PharmD, a community pharmacy resident at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has received a $2,500 grant from the Community Pharmacy Foundation for a research project looking at whether pharmacist intervention can help improve pneumococcal vaccination rates for the elderly. The project, titled “Determining Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates after a Pharmacist Conducted Medication Therapy Review (MTR),” will be conducted at two rural community pharmacies and a private physician practice. A pharmacist will conduct MTRs for patients 65 years and older who are Medicare part D beneficiaries and are patients of the pharmacies or referred by the physician. The pharmacist … Read more

Brouwer Named Oregon State Alumni Fellow

November 3, 2010

Kim L. R. Brouwer, PharmD, PhD, was named an Alumni Fellow by Oregon State University at a dinner and awards ceremony on October 29 in Corvallis, Oregon. “Dr. Brouwer remains a Beaver at heart, even with the time spent at other universities during her career,” says Wayne A. Kradjan, dean of the College of Pharmacy. “Selection of Dr. Brouwer showcases the scientific achievements of alumni from the College of Pharmacy.” Brouwer is the William R. Kenan Distinguished Professor and chair of the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics and a professor in the curriculum in toxicology. She received a bachelor’s … Read more

PY4 Giddens Receives Future Pharmacist Award

October 28, 2010

Adrienne Giddens, a fourth-year doctor of pharmacy student at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, has received the Future Pharmacist Award through the Next Generation Pharmacist Award Program. The program, sponsored by Parata Systems and Pharmacy Times, honors pharmacists, technicians, and pharmacy student who embrace and embody the future of pharmacy. The Future Pharmacist Award recognizes a pharmacy student who demonstrates spirit and passion for the profession primarily through academic achievement, along with industry advocacy, patient advocacy, technology innovation, civic leadership, or environmentalism. Clinical assistant professor Lisa Dinkins, PharmD, who nominated Giddens for the award, says Giddens has worked to … Read more

Corbett Named ACCP Fellow

October 15, 2010

Amanda Corbett, PharmD, has been elected a fellow of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Fellowship is the highest honor the college can bestow upon a member. Corbett is a clinical associate professor in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics. She is also a clinical assistant professor in the UNC School of Medicine, a clinical associate for the UNC Center for AIDS Research, and a member of the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Translational Research and Drug Development Scientific Committee and a pharmacologist for the ACTG. Corbett will be officially inducted as a fellow in October at a special … Read more

School Receives $6.6 Million to Finish Developing Radiation-Scrubbing Drug

October 15, 2010

The UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy has received a $6.6 million federal contract to complete work on an easily-administered medication that can help clear radioactive elements from the body. The contract, awarded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, has tasked UNC researchers led by principal investigator Michael Jay, PhD, with creating a form of diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid, commonly known as DTPA, that can be administered orally and distributed quickly to people affected by a nuclear accident or dirty-bomb attack. Dirty bombs are explosive devices designed to spread radioactive contamination. … Read more

Frye Awarded Two NCI Drug-Discovery Contracts

October 6, 2010

As part of a national effort to accelerate the identification and testing of new anticancer drugs, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., a prime contractor to the National Cancer Institute has awarded two contracts totaling $2.4 million to two teams of UNC scientists to initiate the discovery of drugs for the treatment of childhood leukemia and brain tumors. Stephen Frye, PhD, professor of medicinal chemistry and director of the UNC Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, is principal investigator. Frye is also a member of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. The two centers are collaborating on … Read more

Scientists Receive Nanotechnology Grant to Fight Pancreatic Cancer

September 28, 2010

A team of UNC scientists has received a five-year $2,308,800 grant from the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Nanotechnology Platform Partnerships to address the critical need for early diagnosis of and more effective treatments for pancreatic cancer. Wenbin Lin, PhD, professor of chemistry and pharmacy, and Jen Jen Yeh, MD, assistant professor of surgery, are the principal investigators. Leaf Huang, PhD, Fred Eshelman Distinguished Professor and chair of molecular pharmaceutics in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, is the co-investigator. All are members of UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Lin is a faculty member in the UNC College of Arts … Read more

PY2 Student Tackett Receives NC TraCS $2K grant

August 21, 2010

Zach Tackett, a second-year doctor of pharmacy student at the School, has received a $2,000 grant from the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute to study a potential new drug target to help treat MRSA staph infections, which kill more people in the United States each year than AIDS. The award will fund a study of MdeA, an efflux pump in the cell membrane of Staphylococcus aureus, the bacterium that is the most common cause of staph infections. Efflux pumps are transporter proteins that pump toxic substances and antibiotics out of the cell. That function makes them key players in … Read more