Laura H Bratsch
Registrar and Curriculum Manager

301 Pharmacy Lane, Beard Hall 109C, CB# 7566, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-7355
The Registrar and Curriculum Manager directly supports the educational mission of the doctor of pharmacy, doctor of philosophy and master of science programs within the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. The primary purpose of the position is to develop, direct, and administer enrollment management services for students and/or faculty that have a direct impact on the students’ educational experiences. These functional areas include but are not limited to enrollment, registration and progression. This position also includes an advising component as it relates to student course registration, residency determination, financial aid and billing. The incumbent serves as a data steward and FERPA specialist and is responsible for developing accurate reports for the Office of Professional Education, the University Provost’s Office and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. This position serves on the Scholastic Achievement and Progressions Committee and the Curriculum and Assessment Committee.