Guilherme Martins da Silva
Research Technician

I’m a Chemist with a background in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, currently focused in the field of Cheminformatics and Drug Design. My Ph.D. research project involves discovering new GSK-3β allosteric modulators, which is an enzyme playing a crucial role in Alzheimer’s disease. For this, I’ve been studying to develop and apply QSAR models using machine learning and related methodologies.
During the achievement of my M.Sc. degree, back in Brazil, I also acquired professional experience working as a research & development analyst in the cosmetics and pharma industry. Also, in late years I’ve been interested in developing educational skills, so that I worked for more than one year as a private lessons Professor and obtained a second undergrad on pedagogical formation in Chemistry.
Informally summarizing: academic background, scientific perspective, natural-born researcher, life-nature-world curious, up to new experiences, challenge acceptor, knowledge donor, organized and music lover.
Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Computer-Assisted Drug Design, CNS diseases
- SILVA, G. M. *; SULLIVAN, H.; RATH, M. K.; ALVES, V. M.; MURATOV, E. N.; SILVA, C. H. T. P.; TROPSHA, A. Development of Robust and Predictive Machine Learning QSAR Models for Hepatic Stability. In: Translating Ideas in Therapies, 2021, Virtual Poster. The British Pharmacological Society & ELRIG Joint Meeting, 2021. p. P014.
- SILVA, G. M. *; FEDERICO, L. B.; BARCELOS, M. P.; GOMES, S. Q.; FRANCISCHINI, I. A. G.; SILVA, C. H. T. P. Prospective virtual screening of natural products as potential Sars-Cov-2 Mpro Inhibitors. In: EFMC-ISMC & EFMC-YMCS, 2020, Virtual Poster Session. Book of Abstracts, 2020. p. P021.
- SILVA, G. M. *; SILVA, C. H. T. P. Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Allosteric GSK-3b Inhibitors for Future Potential Therapeutics in Alzheimer’s disease. In: 12th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, Ribeirão Preto. CIFARP, 2019. p. 145.
- SILVA, G. M. *; SILVA, C. H. T. P. Improving the prediction of binding site and pose of allosteric modulators of GSK-3b related to Alzheimer’s disease. In: 9th Brazilian Symposium in Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, Pirenópolis. BrazMedChem, 2019. p. SDD27.
SILVA, G. M. *; POIANI, J. G. C.; SILVA, C. H. T. P. Planejamento computacional de inibidores tradicionais e alostéricos de GSK-3b com interesse em doença de Alzheimer. In: SBQ Sul – XXV Encontro de Química da Região Sul, 2018.
Londrina, PR, Brazil.
- Bachelor Degree in Chemistry at Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR, Brazil, 2011.
- M.Sc. Degree in Chemistry at Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2016.
- Ph.D. Student since 2018 in Chemistry at Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, and Visiting Researcher-Scholar at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from Sep. 2021 – March 2022.