Adam M Persky, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Professional Education

(919) 966-9104
325 Beard Hall, , CB# 7569, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599
Adam Persky is the Associate Dean of Professional Education, and a professor, at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. He received his BS in biology from Purdue University and a MS in exercise science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He completed his PhD in pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Florida and did an industry-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship in pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and GlaxoSmithKline. Currently, he is a clinical professor and faculty fellow in CIPhER at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.
Foundations in Pharmacokinetics (Enhanced Edition)
Adam M. Persky & Gary M. Pollack
In Foundations in Pharmacokinetics, Adam M. Persky and Gary M. Pollack offer their perspectives on the concepts and important questions of this challenging area of pharmacy.
- Pharmacy education
Selected Publications Related to Teaching and Learning
B. Yang, J Razo, A.M. Persky, Testing as a learning tool, Am J Pharm Educ, 83(9), Article 7324, 2019
S. Palmer, Y. Chu, A.M. Persky Comparison of re-watching class recordings and retrieval practice as post-class learning strategies for long-term retention, Am J Pharm Educ, 83(9), Article 7217, 2019
A. M. Persky, J.E. McLaughlin, Troubleshooting the Flipped Classroom in Medical Education: Common Challenges and Lessons Learned, Med Sci Educ, 28(1):235-241, 2018
J. Greene, K.A. Fuller, A.M. Persky, Practical Tips for Integrating Clinical Relevance into Foundational Science Courses, Am J Pharm Educ, 82(5): Article 6603, 2018
A.M. Persky, M Wells, K. Sanders, J Fiordalsi, C. Downey H. Anksorus, An interdisciplinary approach improving long-term retention of pharmacology knowledge, J Dent Educ, September 2017
A.M. Persky, S. Hudson, A snapshot of student study strategies across a professional pharmacy curriculum: are students using evidence-based practice? Curr Pharm Teach Learn, 2016, 8(2): 141-147
A.M. Persky, Qualitative analysis of animation versus reading for pre-class preparation in a “flipped” classroom in a professional pharmacy program, J Excel College Teach, 26(1): 5-28, 2015
A.M. Persky, An exercise prescription course: helping to support public health and improving pharmacy students’ confidence in patient counseling, Am J Pharm Educ, 73(7) Article 188, 2009
A.M. Persky and G.M. Pollack, Immediate feedback, answer-until-correct examinations in a core-curriculum pharmacokinetics course, Am J Pharm Educ, 72(4) Article 83, 2008
A.M. Persky, J. Stegall-Zanation and R. E. Dupuis, Student perceptions of the incorporation of games into classroom instruction for basic and clinical pharmacokinetics, Am J Pharm Educ, 71(2): Article 21, 2007
CIPhER Publications
Medina MS, Castleberry AN, Persky AM. Strategies for improving learner metacognition in health professional education. Am J Pharm Educ. In press.
McLaughlin J, Khanova J, Persky AM, Hathaway N, Cox WC. Design, implementation, and outcomes of a three-week pharmacy bridging course. Am J Pharm Educ. In press.
Persky AM, Hogg A. Study time for pre-class quizzes in a flipped classroom: influence of reading material characteristics. Am J Pharm Educ. In press.
Persky AM, Robinson J. Moving from novice to experts and its implications for instruction. Am J Pharm Educ. In press.
Persky AM, Wells M, Sanders K, Fiordalsi J, Downey C, Anksorus H. An interdisciplinary approach improving long-term retention of pharmacology knowledge. J Dent Educ. In press.
Terenyi J, Anksorus H, Persky AM. Learning brand name-generics: impact of spacing of practice. Am J Pharm Educ. In press.
Persky AM. Creating posters for the 21st Am J Pharm Educ. 2016;80(10):Article 162.
Persky AM, Hudson S. A snapshot of student study strategies across a professional pharmacy curriculum: are students using evidence-based practice? Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2016;8(2):141-147.
Persky AM. Mentoring and developing a successful trainee: a reflection. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016;80(4):Article 55.
Persky AM, Romanelli F. Insights, pearls, and guidance on successfully producing and publishing educational research. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016;80(5):Article 75.
Howard M, Persky AM. Helpful tips for new users of active learning. Am J Pharm Educ. 2015;79(4):Article 46.
Persky AM. Are we practicing evidence based education? Am J Pharm Educ. 2015;79(8):Article 109.
Persky AM, Henry T, Campbell A. An exploratory analysis of personality, attitudes, and study skills on the learning curve within a team-based learning environment, Am J Pharm Educ. 2015;79(2):Article 20.
Persky AM. Qualitative analysis of animation versus reading for pre-class preparation in a “flipped” classroom in a professional pharmacy program. J Excel College Teach. 2015;26(1):5-28.
Schlesinger J, Persky AM. Bloom’s Taxonomy in action. MedEdPORTAL Publications. 2015. Faculty Learning Community.
Haines SH, Persky AM. Faculty development: who, what, why, where, when, and how? Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(5):Article 97.
Hedges A, Miller S, Scott M, Persky AM. Current environment of service learning within the school of pharmacy. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2014;6(6):884-890.
Lancaster J, Stein S, Garrelts MacLean L, Van Amburgh J, Persky AM. A review of faculty development programs models to advance teaching and learning within health science programs: a review of literature. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(5):Article 99.
Persky AM. Cost-benefit of educational interventions. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(8):Article 145.
Persky AM, Dupuis RE. An eight year retrospective study in “flipped” pharmacokinetics courses. Am J Pharm Educ. 2014;78(1):Article 190.
Persky AM, Kirwin J, Marasco CJ, May DM, Skomo ML, Kennedy KB. Classroom attendance: factors and perceptions of students, faculty, and administrators amongst schools of pharmacy. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2014;6(1):1-9.
Cox WC, Persky AM, Blalock SL. Correlation of the health science reasoning test with other variables within an admissions process. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(6):Article 118.
Farland MZ, Sicat BL, Franks AS, Pater KS, Medina MS, Persky AM. Best practices for team-based learning in pharmacy education. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(8):Article 177.
Greco AJ, Ferreri SP, Persky AM, Marciniak MW. Characteristics of Postgraduate Year Two (PGY2) pharmacy residency programs with a secondary emphasis on academia. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(7):Article 143.
Persky AM, Alford EL, Kyle J. Not all hard work leads to learning. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(5):Article 89.
White C, Howell DT, Persky AM, et al. Institutional strategies to achieve diversity and inclusion in pharmacy education: a results oriented, multi-faceted approach. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013;77(5):Article 97.
Persky AM. Impact of team-based learning on a foundational pharmacokinetics course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012;76(2):Article 31.
Persky AM, Joyner PU, Cox WC. Development of a course review process. Am J Pharm Educ. 2012;76(7):Article 130.
Persky AM, Pollack GM. Transforming a large, lecture based course to a small group, interactive course in a professional curriculum: example using a foundational pharmacokinetics course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2010;74(9):Article 170.
Persky AM. An exercise prescription course: helping to support public health and improving pharmacy students’ confidence in patient counseling. Am J Pharm Educ. 2009;73(7):Article 188.
Persky AM, Pollack GM. A hybrid jigsaw approach to teach renal clearance concepts. Am J Pharm Educ. 2009;73(3):Article 49.
Dupuis RE, Persky AM. Initial experience in using case-based learning in a clinical pharmacokinetics course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008;72(2):Article 29.
Persky AM. Multi-faceted approach to improve learning in pharmacokinetics. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008;72(2):Article 36.
Persky AM, Pollack GM. Immediate feedback, answer-until-correct examinations in a core-curriculum pharmacokinetics course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2008;72(4):Article 83.
Persky AM, Cox WC, Deloatch K, Pollack GM. Good outcome development is good science. Am J Pharm Educ. 2007;71(4):Article 74.
Persky AM, Stegall-Zanation J, Dupuis RE. Student perceptions of the incorporation of games into classroom instruction for basic and clinical pharmacokinetics. Am J Pharm Educ. 2007;71(2):Article 21.
CIPhER Presentations
Persky AM, Romanelli R, McLaughlin JE, Bush A. Building better pedagogic research: laying the foundation for the scholarship of teaching and learning. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2017; Nashville, TN.
Butler A, Persky AM. Stabilizing access to marginal knowledge in a classroom setting. Presented at: American Education Research Association annual meeting; April, 2017; San Antonio, TX.
Dinsmore D, Persky AM. Professional students’ confidence and calibration in a semester-long pharmacy course. Presented at: American Education Research Association annual meeting; April, 2017; San Antonio, TX.
Wells M, Persky AM. An interdisciplinary teaching approach to improving retention of pharmacology knowledge. Presented at: American Dental Education Association meeting; March, 2017; Long Beach, CA.
Persky AM. 5 studies and 5 tips to enhance student learning. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2017; Austin, TX.
Persky AM. Redesigning a 300 level course to incorporate active learning. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2017; Austin, TX.
Persky AM, Zakrajsek T. Critical incidences in teaching and learning. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2017; Austin, TX.
Persky AM. COIT Seminar: eating sleeping and drinking: a guide to learning success. Presented at: University of Arizona College of Pharmacy; 2017; Tucson, AZ.
Persky AM. Guidelines and recommendations for evidence based practice in teaching. Presented at: University of Arizona College of Pharmacy; 2017; Tucson, AZ.
Persky AM, Remsberg C. Combating the challenges of implementing active learning. Presented as a workshop at: Transformation and Innovation of Pharmacy Education Institute; 2017; Spokane, WA.
Persky AM. Using learned information to improve patient health: a guide to successful teaching & learning. Presented at: Duquesne University College of Pharmacy; 2017; Pittsburgh, PA.
Hudson S, Persky AM. Is learning improved when students generate and answer peer-written questions? Presented at: North Carolina Association of Pharmacists annual meeting; November, 2016; Charlotte, NC.
Stein S, Persky AM. Streaming teaching and learning: faculty perceptions of a 5-minute faculty teaching training video series. Presented at: Educause national meeting; October, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Persky AM. Does spacing homework improve learning in a team-based-learning course? Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Persky AM, Haines S, Van Amburgh J, Stein S. 5 minute faculty teaching development. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Persky AM. Ins and outs of academic pharmacy. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Persky AM. Joseph DiPiro excellence in publishing workshop. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2015; National Harbor, MD.
White C, Persky AM. Institutional strategies for best practices in minority recruitment to achieve diversity and inclusion. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Terenyi J, Persky AM. Spacing practice improves retention in the self-paced learning of Brand/Generics. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2016; Anaheim, CA. Presented as an encore poster at: American Association of Health System Pharmacists annual meeting; 2016; Anaheim, CA.
Persky AM, Butler A, Dobson J. Applying cognitive psychology to teaching and learning. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting; May, 2016; Boston, MA.
Persky AM. Moving from novice to expert and its implications for instruction. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2016; Traverse City, MI.
Persky AM. Active learning: enhancing participation across the curriculum. Presented at: Wayne State University College of Pharmacy; 2016; Detroit, MI.
Persky AM. Applying cognitive psychology for learner success. Presented at: Baylor University; 2016; Waco, TX.
Persky AM. Classroom games in pharmacokinetics. Presented as a webinar for: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy; 2016
Persky AM. Flipping the health science classroom. Presented at: Campbell University; 2016; Buies Creek, NC.
Persky AM. Getting students to prepare for class. Presented at: Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2016; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. The flipped classroom: implementing the research on learning. Presented at: Marshall University College of Pharmacy; 2016; Huntingdon, WV.
Persky AM. Strategies to supercharge students and clients. Presented as a webinar for: Canadian Dental Hygienist Association; 2016; Ontario, Canada.
Persky AM. Defining, developing, and assessing metacognition to enhance learning and retention. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2015; National Harbor, MD
Persky AM. Educational best practices and professional development roundtables: transforming what you do in the classroom into publishable SoTL. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2015; National Harbor, MD.
Persky AM. Lecture is not dead; lecturing in a flipped society. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2015; Austin, TX.
Persky AM. Teaching with skeletal note workbooks. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2015; Austin, TX.
Persky AM. Curiosity in Teaching: How do we educate the next generation of exercise scientists. Presented at: New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine; 2015; Providence, RI.
Persky AM. Evidence-based education in experiential training. Presented at: Southern Regional Area Health Education Center (AHEC); 2015; Fayetteville, NC.
Persky AM. Designing high structure active learning courses: flipping and other models. Presented at: Washington State University College of Pharmacy; 2015; Spokane, WA.
Persky AM. Improving student engagement through evidence based teaching. Presented at: Midwestern University College of Pharmacy; 2015; Downers Grove, IL.
Persky AM. Improving the training of the student-pharmacist: now and the future. Presented at: University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy; 2015; Memphis, TN.
Persky AM. Teaching critical thinking in pharmacy. Presented at: Rosalind Franklin College of Pharmacy: 2015; North Chicago, IL.
Persky AM, Sathy V, Thompson J. Reflecting on teaching: approaches to course evaluation. Presented at: UNC Center for Faculty Excellence’s Faculty Showcase; 2015; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM, McQueen C, Mehta B. Combating the Dr. Oz Effect: teaching critical thinking in self-care. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting; July, 2014; Grapevine, TX.
Persky AM, Reich K. Developing your scholarship of teaching and learning. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting; May, 2014; Orlando, FL.
Persky AM. The evidence behind the 7 principles of good practice. Presented at: Lilly Conference; January, 2014; Austin, TX.
Persky AM. Why our experiences are not enough: using evidence-based teaching practice for more effective learning. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2014; Traverse City, MI.
Persky AM. Active learning: from theory to practice. Presented at: College of Pharmacy, University of Washington; 2014; Seattle, WA.
Persky AM. Developing better pharmacists: strategies to improve student learning. Presented at: University of Iowa College of Pharmacy; 2014; Cedar Rapids, IA.
Persky AM. Evidence behind course evaluations. Presented at: Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2014; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. Evidence that will change the way you teach. Presented at: University of Arkansas Medical Sciences University; 2014; Little Rock, AR.
Persky AM. Experience is not enough: teaching with the evidence to improve student learning. Presented at: Southwest Oklahoma State University College of Pharmacy; 2014; Weatherford, OK.
Persky AM. From lab to the classroom: translating research into practice with the “flipped” classroom. Presented at: University of Nebraska Medical Center; 2014; Omaha, NE.
Persky AM. How learning works: the evidence to improve student learning. Presented at: University of Arkansas Medical Sciences University; 2014; Little Rock, AR.
Persky AM. Learning to risk, risking to learn: innovation and research in the classroom. Presented at: Indiana University Purdue University – Fort Wayne; 2014; Fort Wayne, IN.
Persky AM. Mistakes students make: a flipping experience. Presented at: University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy; 2014; Omaha, NE.
Persky AM. Motivation to learning: from student to faculty. Presented as a webinar for: University of Washington; 2014; Seattle, WA.
Persky AM. Overcoming the Dr. Oz Effect: teaching critical thinking in dental care. Presented at: University of North Carolina School of Dentistry; 2014; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. Strategies for effective teaching and learning. Presented at: Bainbridge State College; 2014; Bainbridge, GA.
Persky AM. The foundation of flipping: how learning works. Presented at: East Tennessee State University College of Pharmacy; 2014; Johnson City, TN.
Persky AM. The scoop on active learning. Presented at: Thomas Jefferson University; 2014; Philadelphia, PA.
Persky AM. Where we’ve been, where we are headed: evolution of synchronous learning environment. Presented at: South Carolina College of Pharmacy; 2014; Santee, SC.
Persky AM. Training the next generation of exercise scientists: strategies to improve student learning. Presented at: Mid-Atlantic American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting; November, 2013; Harrisburg, PA.
Persky AM, Franks A, Janke K. Enhancing motivation to effective teaching and learning. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2013; Chicago, IL.
Persky AM, Loeb J. Eat, Drink (Sleep) and be Merry in College: A guide to learning success. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2013; Traverse City, MI.
Persky AM. The 5-minute workshop: examples and considerations. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College Teaching; January, 2013; Greensboro, NC.
Persky AM. Energize your roots, spread their wings. Presented at: Canadian Dental Hygienist Association national meeting; 2013; Toronto, CA.
Persky AM. Getting students to be [highly] competent. Presented at: Washington State University College of Pharmacy; 2013; Spokane & Pullman, WA.
Persky AM. Getting to the root of the problem: misconceptions about learning. Presented at: Canadian Dental Hygienist Association national meeting; 2013; Toronto, CA.
Persky AM. How students learn. Presented at: School of Nursing, University of North Carolina; 2013; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. Innovation in teaching practice: what can I do now? Presented at: Westfield State University; 2013; Westfield, MA.
Persky AM. Taking the next step: Integrating evidence-based teaching. Presented at: Campbell University College of Health Sciences and Pharmacy; 2013; Morrisville, NC.
Persky AM. Team-based learning: foundations for its use. Presented at: Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy; 2013; New Orleans, LA.
Persky AM. The scholarship of teaching and learning: What can I do on Monday? Presented as a webinar for: Laboratory Special Interest Group of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy; 2013.
Koval P, Persky AM. Evaluation of a virtual poster presentation defense in ‘second life’ to prepare pharmacy students for live presentation. Presented at: American College of Clinical Pharmacy national meeting; October, 2012; Austin, TX.
Persky AM, Cain J, Smith K, Romanelli F. The entitled student: reasons, implications, & recommendations. Presented at: American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
Persky AM, Farland M, Franks A, Pater K, Sicat B, Medina M. Mischief managed: spells and charms to make team-based learning more magical. Presented at: American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
Persky AM, Skomo M, Marasco C, May B, Kirwan J, Kennedy K. Factors that affect student classroom attendance: perceptions of students and faculty in colleges of pharmacy. Presented at: American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
Persky AM, Stein S, Van Amburgh J, McLean L. Teaching teachers how to teach: golden nuggets for effective teaching. Presented at: American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
Townsend D, Persky AM. Dynamics of an academic administrative fellowship in diversity. Presented at American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
White C, Persky AM. Cross-cultural communication training: student perceptions. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2012; Kissimmee, FL.
Hedges A, Persky AM. Current environment of service-learning in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Presented at: Research Day, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy; March, 2012; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. Evidence-based teaching: studies directly related to student learning. Presented at: American Dental Hygienist Association national meeting; 2012; Phoenix, AZ.
Persky AM. The pharmacology of learning enhancement. Presented at: International Lilly Conference on College Teaching; 2012; Miami, OH.
Persky AM. The student pharmacist “workout”: strength finders and leadership development. Presented at: North Carolina Association of Pharmacists Student Leadership Conference; 2012; Pinehurst, NC.
Persky AM. Understanding the basics of student learning. Presented at: UNC Center for Faculty Excellence new faculty orientation, University of North Carolina; 2012; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. What research tells us about learning and how we can use it. Presented at: Purdue University School of Pharmacy faculty retreat; 2012; West Lafayette, IN.
Joyner P, Persky AM. Framing the curriculum: use of clinical application to integrate foundational and clinical sciences. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2011; San Antonio, TX.
Persky AM. Design and implementation of a course review process. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2011; San Antonio, TX.
Persky AM, Franks A, Medina M. The science of learning and teaching: from research to practice. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2011; San Antonio, TX.
Persky AM. Impact of team-based learning in a foundational pharmacokinetics course. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2011; San Antonio, TX.
Persky AM. Advancing health through education: evidence-based education in exercise science. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) national meeting; May, 2011; Denver, CO.
Persky AM. Rather discuss than lecture? Methods to help promote student engagement in any size class. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching; January, 2011; Greensboro, NC.
Persky AM. A Linda DeVore lecture: evidence-based teaching: studies directly related to student learning. Presented at: American Dental Hygienist Association national meeting; 2011; Nashville, TN.
Persky AM. Applying the science of learning in large classes: use of team-based learning. Presented at: International Lilly Conference on College Teaching; 2011; Miami, OH.
Persky AM. Applying the science of learning. Presented at: University of North Carolina; 2011; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM. Engaging students in the classroom: active and cooperative learning strategies. Presented at: Duke University; 2011; Durham, NC.
Persky AM. Strategies for promoting student engagement in any size class. Presented at: Johnson and Wales University; 2011; Charlotte, NC.
Persky AM. Studies directly related to student learning: translating research to practice. Presented at: Mountain Area Health Education Center resident teaching certificate program; 2011; Asheville, NC.
Persky AM. What the research tells us about learning: what might we be overlooking? Presented at: Johnson and Wales University; 2011; Charlotte, NC.
Scott M, Persky AM. Service-learning in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy curriculum. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2010; Seattle, WA.
Persky AM. A ‘sandwich’ approach to enhancing the scholarship of teaching. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2010; Seattle, WA.
Persky AM. Improving pharmacy education through evidence based practices. Presented at: South Carolina College of Pharmacy faculty retreat; 2010; Charleston, SC.
Persky AM. 3 studies that will change your teaching practice. Presented at: South Carolina College of Pharmacy; 2010; Charleston, SC.
Persky AM. Teaching to think: cooperative learning in large classrooms. Presented at: Duke University Center for Instructional Technology; 2010; Durham, NC.
Persky AM, Zakrajsek T. Evidence-based learning: applied research findings pertaining to how students learn. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching; January, 2010; Greensboro, NC.
Riendeau A, Persky AM. Service-learning in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy curriculum. Presented at: North Carolina Association of Pharmacists; 2010; Greensboro, NC.
Persky AM. How to be an effective member. Presented at: UNC Center for Faculty Excellence, University of North Carolina; 2010; Chapel Hill, NC.
Persky AM, Cox W. Teaching to think: cooperative learning in large classes. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2009; Boston, MA.
Persky AM. Getting off the pedagogical couch: teaching exercise science in the 21stcentury. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine national meeting; May, 2009; Seattle, WA.
Persky AM, Coker H, Settlemyer J. Bringing experiential education into the classroom: service-learning in a professional program. Presented at: Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching; January, 2009; Greensboro, NC.
Persky AM. Teaching with technology: video teleconferencing. Presented at: “Nurses: Technology Saavy Educators”, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina; 2009; Chapel Hill, NC.
Padowski J, Persky AM. Development and delivery of a short course in integrative and organ systems pharmacology. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2008; Chicago, IL.
Persky AM, Pollack G, Blouin B, Joyner P. Educating the next generation of pharmacy students: an educational renaissance at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy. Presented at: American Associations of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2008; Chicago, IL.
Persky AM. Teaching the next generation of learners. Presented at: Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG) meeting; 2008; Baltimore, MD.
Deloatch K, Persky AM. Development of curricular outcomes and curricular mapping strategies at the UNC School of Pharmacy. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2007; Orlando, FL.
Persky AM. Evaluation of a pilot, multimedia, interactive learning module in a foundational pharmacokinetics course. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2007; Orlando, FL.
Persky AM. Multifaceted approach to improve learning pharmacokinetics. Presented at: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Conference; July, 2007; Orlando, FL.
Bender A, Persky AM. Adjusting our delivery of knowledge to student pharmacists: identifying current learning and teaching styles to improve pharmacy education. Presented at: North Carolina Association of Pharmacists; 2007; Greensboro, NC.
Persky AM. The ITS Teaching and Learning First Partners program: content designed for the digital native. Presented at: Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference; 2007; Raleigh, NC.
- B.S., Biology (minors in Chemistry and Psychology), Purdue University
- M.S., Exercise Science, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
- Ph.D, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Florida